I've had my 811 for a few months and (apart from the well documented issues) everything was great. I was really enjoying the 264 upgrade to the EPG and OTA.
Last night, however, while my wife was watching, I touched a component next to it and there was a small static electricity spark. She yelled from the other room that something had happened and when I turned on the TV in my room there was a distorted frozen image that was sort of dancing on screen. I immediately tried to turn off the 811 from the remote -- no response. Then I tried to turn it off from the front panel. No response. This really didn't concern me as I know from long experience with a 6000 and other models that occasionally a "hard reboot" is necessary. So I simply unplugged the unit and let it sit for a minute. When I plugged it in the front power light went on again, but there was no picture and the unit would not respond to any remote or front panel commands. So I unplugged it again and left it unplugged for five or ten minutes. This time when I plugged it back in there was no power light, and I couldn't turn the unit on at all, either from the remote or from the front panel. I tried holding in the front power button for a ten count, but no response. So I unplugged it again and left it that way overnight. This morning I plugged it back in, but I'm getting nada.
Any advice short of sending it back? This is really frustrating because I bought a terrific new television for my den recently that the 811 is attached to and I have been really enjoying the image from the 811. More important -- the NCAA tourney is starting soon! Nuts.