Help with cascading 34 switch


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Apr 8, 2004
I was hoping someone could help. I have two 34 switches. I never had to use the 2nd one until I just got the 921. I hooked up the 2nd switch cascading it off of the 1st. I have not hooked up the 921 yet but I ran one of the sat connections off of the 2nd 34 switch to my 821 and did a switch check. It only found 1 sat (110). What am I doing wrong?

Thanks for any help
bdemz said:
I was hoping someone could help. I have two 34 switches. I never had to use the 2nd one until I just got the 921. I hooked up the 2nd switch cascading it off of the 1st. I have not hooked up the 921 yet but I ran one of the sat connections off of the 2nd 34 switch to my 821 and did a switch check. It only found 1 sat (110). What am I doing wrong?

Thanks for any help
The only thing I can think of is that you perhaps plugged in the cable to one of the outputs to the 'next 34' switch instead of one of the receiver outputs coming out the bottom of the switch.
Doing it right

Am I doing it right?

The 1st switch has 1 2 3 ports. These needs to corespond to the 2nd 1 2 3 ports right?
bdemz said:
Am I doing it right?

The 1st switch has 1 2 3 ports. These needs to corespond to the 2nd 1 2 3 ports right?
Right, that is the way mine is hooked up. Don't know what would happen if they were mixed up. Probably nothing much.
If you are still not getting more than one sat out of the second switch, I would try putting it is as the first switch to see if it works properly there.
Maybe one of the switches is bad. Could be the first not passing the signals out to the second or the second not accepting all three inputs.
CAscading SWDP34

Make sure you have the Master switch powered up (i.e. have at least ONE active receiver output connected to it) in order for the SLAVE switch to work.

Best of Luck
Make sure port 1 on both switches is powered make sure both cables from the 921 are connected to the same switch. Both tuners of the 921 have to be connected for the receiver to work correctly.
It does matter which port you hook the wires too when cascading the switches, output 1 must connect to input 1 on the second swtich and so on.. (People dont read the manuals that come with these things or what? Knowing dish though, it probably says it doesnt matter.. Just like they say you can use a Quad on a SW64.)

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