help with universal remote


Well-Known SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Feb 6, 2004
I have a pronto remote that I would like to use to control my 811 but I can't get it to recognize any of the buttons. Is this because the remote doesn't output any infrared signals to the 811, only UHF ones? Is there a work-around for this? I tried to access the sticky about the 811 remote but can't so if that contains the answer can someone post the information in a non-pdf format? Thanks
thanks, but I have the reader. Unfortunately its not working correctly and downloading it again doesn't fix the problem. Some pdfs work, some don't and I'm not enough of a computer guy to figure it out so I'm hoping someone will just give me the info some other way.
Absolutely go to Remote Central!! More Pronto info than you can ever use. Your Pronto puts out IR -- and the 811 is very happy with IR.

Thanks for reposting the pdf file in the sticky. Everything is working great and now I don't need 4 remotes to control everything!

522-Watching and recording

Which has all the HD content.119 or 110.

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