dweber for posting about the new version.
Just updated my Hopper 3 (H375) with Hopper Plus (P12901) to H376 and I finally saw how updating works with the Hopper Plus added to it. Instead of seeing the updating progress, there is no video at all and eventually, there is no video other than a black screen as if the TV was off. The Guide is available and hitting option on TV Activity will show I think 6 tuners in use, 1 and 6 says Available and 2-5 that says Software Updating but after idling, the video will be black again as if the TV was off. After some time, it will reboot and in the Diagnostics screen, Available Joey Software will only show the J and W versions and on longer the P versions needed for the Hopper Plus which is the same even if I manually rebooted again. When I goto Tools -> Technician Settings -> Download ATV files, it will show a box:
Download ATV Files 3000
This device is not currently targeted for
Android software
So it could be H376 no longer displays the available Hopper Plus or ATV software versions or allows Downloading it so that would be left to be done by the Hopper Plus's Software Updates function instead.
Does anyone happen to know what the Last Connect on the Diagnostics -> Receiver screen right under Processor ID is for as I noticed mines is still 05/31 even though the software is updated 06/12/2024.
Josh.M and
brittanygarden - In addition to the above, the 119GB/120GB HDD space remaining on the internal HDD is seen as 100% full issue, here are screenshots below:
It will have the popups of the HD is full and all recordings halted even if the DVR % full was 79% for example even though the % did hit 100% after a few days. How I found the remaining free space was selecting videos to transfer to a external HDD so it seems like the last 119GB of space of the HDD is not usable for recordings: