Hopper duo and Joey 3 randomly pause


Original poster
Mar 7, 2023
We changed from the old 500 to the hopper Duo and the Joey 3 recently, which is horrid. It randomly pauses both units throughout the day. Resetting doesn't seem to help. I'm wondering does the satellite have to be grounded or certain way or something that would cause this?
We changed from the old 500 to the hopper Duo and the Joey 3 recently, which is horrid. It randomly pauses both units throughout the day. Resetting doesn't seem to help. I'm wondering does the satellite have to be grounded or certain way or something that would cause this?
It should be grounded but rarely is. Although it won't cause your receiver to pause. I have seen it cause signal loss though due to static electricity buildup. The duo honestly kind of sucks to begin with but as far as pausing it's not normal. It could be a remote issue too, but unlikely since it's on both units. But if it's happening a lot I'd call and have them send a tech to replace the hopper duo. Or even upgrade to hopper2 (hopper with sling). It will cost $5 more per month though but it's a much better receiver.
It should be grounded but rarely is. Although it won't cause your receiver to pause. I have seen it cause signal loss though due to static electricity buildup. The duo honestly kind of sucks to begin with but as far as pausing it's not normal. It could be a remote issue too, but unlikely since it's on both units. But if it's happening a lot I'd call and have them send a tech to replace the hopper duo. Or even upgrade to hopper2 (hopper with sling). It will cost $5 more per month though but it's a much better receiver.
And make sure the guy who installed this took the diplexer out of the system
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