Hopper with 2TB drive, but only 500 GB available for my DVR functions


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Original poster
Apr 23, 2010
I know there is some system overhead, VOD content, and other stuff on there.

However, I am only seeing 500 gb available to me for recordings.

I do have PTAT enabled and I can say its a pretty cool feature.

Does PTAT use my available space or is there part of the HD reserved to the PTAT function?

I found this value from going to menu, then transfer recordings, the HD free/used is in lower left hand corner.

I thought I have read all the materials on this site about the hopper/joeys, but I could have overlooked this... and if so, feel free to flame me with RTFMs :D

it's been mentioned that the breakdown is 500gb for user, 500gb for PTAT, 1TB reserved for Dish

i haven't seen the actual documentation that confirms it, but your report matches up.
They should've left more for the user. 1TB is way too much for VOD and such, especially considering that some people will never use a single byte of it.
They should've left more for the user. 1TB is way too much for VOD and such, especially considering that some people will never use a single byte of it.

Agreed. That would be people like me. :)

Also, just curious...I have two 722's (not the k). What is the user portion size of that hard drive?
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What about those who cannot use PTAT due to no locals in HD.They should be able to get that 500GB back to record their SD locals.
It is what it is. I'm not going to fret over it, since I actively use the EHD feature (for which there is no charge).

Dish could, and has at least once in the past, reallocate HDD space.
I think it's best that the customer not worry about how much of the 2TB hard drive you get to use. You still have more recording capability than any other receiver and you can always connect an EHD if you need extra space. I wish Dish wouldn't even have told people. People keep saying how they have the right to that unused hard drive space since it's their receiver. Lets be reasonable people. You know ahead of time what you are getting.
I think it's best that the customer not worry about how much of the 2TB hard drive you get to use. You still have more recording capability than any other receiver and you can always connect an EHD if you need extra space. I wish Dish wouldn't even have told people. People keep saying how they have the right to that unused hard drive space since it's their receiver. Lets be reasonable people. You know ahead of time what you are getting.

I don't have a hopper, but i don't understand your reasoning that people knew ahead of time what they are getting. I think the average person sees 2 tb and thinks 2 tbs. So when they compare to other carriers they are going to have 2tb in their head, not 500gb. I think it is very misleading. 1tb is way too much to allocate to dish.
You know ahead of time what you are getting.
I thought we'd have 1TB of user space and the 500GB PTAT portion was part of the 1TB that dish reserves.

To find out that it's much less than that is a surprise. We didn't know what we're getting ahead of time.

If i go to the Dish website, where does it say 500GB of user space only per hopper?

this is what i see on the Dish website on the hopper page:

Massive 2 TB Hard Drive.

Record over 250 hours of HD programming – the most available from any TV provider! Plus, hundreds of On Demand titles are available for instant viewing.
Is some of that extra space also for the new HBO Unplugged that was announced at CES in a press release.

It down loads at night all the HBO hit moves so they are there on demand. Great for those with out internet.
I wonder if they are downloading the whole HBO transponder like they do for my Prime time?

Is HBO unplugged even turned on yet?
Dish only states that the receiver has a 2TB hard drive. They do not say that the customer has 2TB for their own use. Dish also had the specs of the Hopper out ahead of time and it stated that it has a 500GB Hard Drive for recording. I don't see the big deal really.
It's already been posted on here somewhere. I'll have to do some digging.

It's not a huge deal, but it would be nice to have something that cuts through Dish marketing and lists it all out officially.

I guess if someone was familiar with the 922, the space is exactly the same. Dish just needs 500GB more reserved for them for some unknown reason?
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500 GB partition...250 hours of HD recording...that would be 2GB per hour. 4.77 Mbps :eek:

Hopper Install 3/18...

Is a HIC, Ethernet or WiFi required for second Hopper?

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