
Original poster
Jan 8, 2020
phoenix AZ
Has anyone experienced this problem:

While watching the Joey, the picture will pixelate inconsistently - even if you switch to a recorded show. The cables are tight. Not sure if it happens also the the Hopper as the Joey is the main unit we watch in another room of the house.
Has anyone experienced this problem:

While watching the Joey, the picture will pixelate inconsistently - even if you switch to a recorded show. The cables are tight. Not sure if it happens also the the Hopper as the Joey is the main unit we watch in another room of the house.
Either the signal is bad or the Hopper is dying
that happens here and there and we have to reboot the hopper 3 to clear it up. I have changed the hopper 3 and the joeys at times and still suffer from tiling/pixelating at times on the joeys.. I noticed when it happens the same channel on the hopper works just fine and all the joeys in the home pixelate and break up until the hopper is rebooted. All wiring is good and all MOCA signals are strong and cables are tight. so go figure I think it's a software issue that causes it.
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Nothing wrong with your Hopper. This has been discussed in the forum for over a year. Dish must be aware of the problem but ignores the complaints. My Joey 3 does it every couple of days. Like Conway said the Hopper's picture is normal. Push the red button on the Hopper to reboot.
Nothing wrong with your Hopper. This has been discussed in the forum for over a year. Dish must be aware of the problem but ignores the complaints. My Joey 3 does it every couple of days. Like Conway said the Hopper's picture is normal. Push the red button on the Hopper to reboot.
Yup; happens here almost every day
Nothing wrong with your Hopper. This has been discussed in the forum for over a year. Dish must be aware of the problem but ignores the complaints. My Joey 3 does it every couple of days. Like Conway said the Hopper's picture is normal. Push the red button on the Hopper to reboot.
Yup; happens here almost every day

Why don't I experience this on one of my Joey's? Even the one attached to Ethernet doesn't do this.
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I have the same problem but I found a quick solution. Maybe it will help. I have a hopper 3 with an OTA adapter and a Joey 2. When the Joey starts pixelating I change to an OTA channel for about 10 seconds. Then I switch back to the channel I was watching. The pixelation goes away. I found this totally by accident. I know it sounds crazy, but it works for me!
Why don't I experience this on one of my Joey's? Even the one attached to Ethernet doesn't do this.
Not sure if it is the same issue or not, but my picture will digitize or freeze for a second or so, at least once an hour, often multiple times an hour... I have replaced everything at least once, and checked system (I am an installer) yet it still happens....
I also never have this problem
You are the man, but this is a very real problem. I will say that one of the two H3's we have in in our set-up has this problem far more frequently than the one I use. This could account for why many people don't see this problem. Actually, both H3's are in good working order and this has been a problem for a very LONG time. It seems to have not happened to the ONE H3 in the last few weeks, but give it time, unless we somehow got a fix.

No guide data after repack

EHD problems on H3 with U548?

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