How do I post my Home Theater?

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Professional Amatuer
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Supporting Founder
May 20, 2004
Spokane, WA
Well, I have been here like a year now. I just got my warranty replacement TV from SoundTrack and would like to post my HT setup. I found the view thread but did not see a way to post. Anyone ... Anyone ... Bueller ...
Well I posted it but I don't see it ... WTF is up with that? Is there like a review process to make sure it's not nudies or somehthing?
I actually posted it twice ... is there a size limit? I just saved th image as a .png file in GIMP it is now 88Kb, I still do not see it showing.
That was what I did first, it was 1.97MB and I was thinking that was why it would not load up on the site. Man this is WEIRD, the computer guy cannot get his stinking file uploaded. LMAO, I swear I am not this dumb!!!

It takes like 50 seconds to upload and then just reverts to my pot screen. The text is there yet the "file" location is still empty. don't even see my text posting under the nw posts but I go in there and sure enough ... the text is there.

I suppose I'll do what I tell everyone else to and REBOOT. I should never need to reboot a Linux PC though.
I think there is like a 500K limit on the file size in the members theater area. This is because the files are stored in the database and not in a normal directory.

I am waiting for an update to that feature so your files are stored in in a normal directory instead of the database.

Good news for pub members though I am working on something and may soon be able to offer your web space to store big files too. :D
I don't think there's a size limit because my pictures are huge and it worked just fine
I should note that when files are oversized and the system does not post them I usually get a database error message, but have not got any of those.

For best results though upload jpegs. :)
Size does matter! LOL, I reduced it to 640x480 and it shot right up there AND appeared on the page. Thanks all for your help!
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