How large is the Pirate/Hack market?

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Tada. Wonder if someone has opened up those FTA receivers to compare some of the chips or manufacturer's to those of the Dish receivers.
SatinKzo said:
Of course just when I was looking to add a second receiver to my setup (No biggie, the main page post makes me want to see what SatelliteAV is offering)
I know what it is! But, I've been sworn to secrecy. It makes for an affordable, but very high-quality beginner's package for an FTA newbie like me. And, I'm looking forward to setting it up this week!
Stargazer said:
Tada. Wonder if someone has opened up those FTA receivers to compare some of the chips or manufacturer's to those of the Dish receivers.

I'll open up my CS5k and take pics if you want to compare with other ones.

All I have to open it up and compare with is an older 301 receiver. I don't wanna open up m 211 or 622
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the person who posts the retailer chats over there cannot legally subscribe to Dish (he's kinda in the "dark", man :D
I have a hard time believing Dish would be in on this so that they could sell more 311 receivers. What are those selling for? $109?

However I could see an incentive for them hoping that with many of Dish-compatible receivers are out there and with Dish zapping them once in a while, that some of the non-hackers getting free subs will grow disenchanted with having to get it fixed and will eventually sub to Dish. Wouldn't have to be a huge number for this to be profitable to Dish, even if only 10%-20% eventually subbed, that's a lot of revenue.
I was referring to the FTA receivers, not their Dish Network receivers, but heck, maybe they are in on it on those too. If the market gets depleted of used receivers then more people have to buy new receivers. I doubt that though.
:) you think the distant network scandal is bad, could you imagine dish in court accused of aiding and abeding sat tellite piracy! and that's a federal crime! i don't think dish would be so stupid as to do it. i do think they are testing every kind of fta to see what they can do to prevent it. think it could be a inside pirate leaking info???? hummm sounds more possible, or some 12year-old computer wize figured it out in like 10min trying to get the playboy channel! lol
i was in toronto last month visiting some friends and relatives and it seemed like every other house had a hacked dish box. And they were pretty proud of it too. Really pathetic.
Yes, let's attack and annex Canada.

The conservatives love attacking other countries, and we can promise to end their universal health care. And, of course, their hacking our satellite providers.

But what they might not realize, is that if we conquer Canada, then it will add about 8 new blue states & help the liberals take the House, Senate, and Electoral College.
Plus we'll get access to many more DBS slots! Start a campaign... Canada caused our HD-Lite! They have the weapons of mass-deresolution!
Tom Bombadil said:
But what they might not realize, is that if we conquer Canada, then it will add about 8 new blue states & help the liberals take the House, Senate, and Electoral College.

yeah but the whole country will only get like 5 electoral votes :D
SatinKzo said:
Last I knew they had done a pretty decent job of shutting out alot of it. The big demand seems to be for old dish receivers and FTA's that can use a card reader.
I think it just one of those things that is gonna be cat/mouse still for quite a while. No matter how much people don't want to admit it.

I just have visions of E* engineering dept having tons of modded boxes and FTA stuff sitting around testing ways to prevent them, but not killing subs equipment.

I have visions all of the hardware they can possibly have their agents buy from websites, ebay, etc. all hooked up to TV's in one room. All of the receivers/solutions alongside with several different types of subscribed receivers with different packages. The kicker is, none of the are hooked to actual satellite signals. They are hooked into a mock E* satellite signal that is never sent up in the sky. That way they can play and play and play all they want and the name of the game is for the non E* stuff to go black without affecting the subscribed ones.

I think it would be pretty cool to watch a guy make some changes on a PC and start watching the TV's go black across the room.
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