How Long Did You Wait For Your HR20 HD DVR?

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SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Jan 31, 2004
So I call DirecTV and ask about getting one of these new HD-DVRs and I'm told they are a hot item and give me a phone number to get on a 'Priority Call List.' Wonderful.

How long have people been waiting or have waited for their HD-DVR to arrive?
I have been on it for 2 months now. I have called repeatedly to complain and to seek an answer as to when they will be "getting more instock." The reason I put that in quotes is because one call, after being eleivated repeatedly, a CSR finally told me that they are not sold out and backordered, but rather there are too many bugs and for QC reasons they are not shipping any new units until they have a stable software platform. According to this person, they have 7 manufacturers making the units and a warehouse full of them. Who knows if she was telling the truth (D* has since denied that is the case to me), but it makes a lot of sense. If supply and demand was the issue, an company with even a crappy purchasing structure would not allow a 2+ month backlog to form.

I think D* is due another call. Time to demand some programming credits.
So I call DirecTV and ask about getting one of these new HD-DVRs and I'm told they are a hot item and give me a phone number to get on a 'Priority Call List.' Wonderful.

How long have people been waiting or have waited for their HD-DVR to arrive?

I got mine whan they first came out in my area, awhile back, I called them to inquire about it, it was a Wensday, I said when can you get me installed, she checked and said how about Friday, I was shocked and had to take the day off work, but with the great deal she offered me, I didn't want to take a chance in calling back and not getting the deal. (My deal wasn't as good as what alot of people are getting now)

I too had trouble with the local installer, not bringing the right equipment and being late. It was a long w/e and was finally uinstaller on Sunday.

hehhehe I have 2 of them sitting in the floor, I won't install them until enough software updates satisfy me.
hehhehe I have 2 of them sitting in the floor, I won't install them until enough software updates satisfy me.

How will you know when enough software updates are done for you ?
When you turn the thing on it automatically updates ALL software ....

As far as I know, there is only one company making them and that is PACE.

HR-20 Swap out

I ordered one when they first hit the market back in Sept. I think it was but did not activate it until last Wed. {12/8} because was in the process of remodeling the basement. So got the 50` plasma put up called my local D* installer and had me hooked up swapped out the 3lnb for the new slim line antenna and now I`m ready to roll right ??? Wrong, first the receiver would not recognize the HDMI cable so had to use the component cable that was on the DVD player. That worked so I used that for night and got a new HDMI the next day from Best Buy. Changed the two and things are looking good right ???? Wrong about 5 mins after that I hear a loud “ pop” and then get that burning electric smell. So the long awaited HR-20 debut lasted less than 24 hours before it got toasted. Call D* the girl sends out a new one said it will take 2 days to get here which would have been yesterday { Sat.} which I tell her you mean Monday because UPS does not deliver on Saturdays. She tells me, no it will be there on Sat. but cannot deliver on Sunday. Long story short it is not here yet and should be here tomorrow. I hope, I also hope that no damage was done to the tv while the HR20was being cooked.So how is it D* can ship me one out right away while everyone else is on a waiting list ??? Sorry if this got off the thread topic a bit but wanted to explain my situation as to why I`m waiting for another box to arrive.
I ordered one when they first hit the market back in Sept. I think it was but did not activate it until last Wed. {12/8} because was in the process of remodeling the basement. So got the 50` plasma put up called my local D* installer and had me hooked up swapped out the 3lnb for the new slim line antenna and now I`m ready to roll right ??? Wrong, first the receiver would not recognize the HDMI cable so had to use the component cable that was on the DVD player. That worked so I used that for night and got a new HDMI the next day from Best Buy. Changed the two and things are looking good right ???? Wrong about 5 mins after that I hear a loud “ pop” and then get that burning electric smell. So the long awaited HR-20 debut lasted less than 24 hours before it got toasted. Call D* the girl sends out a new one said it will take 2 days to get here which would have been yesterday { Sat.} which I tell her you mean Monday because UPS does not deliver on Saturdays. She tells me, no it will be there on Sat. but cannot deliver on Sunday. Long story short it is not here yet and should be here tomorrow. I hope, I also hope that no damage was done to the tv while the HR20was being cooked.So how is it D* can ship me one out right away while everyone else is on a waiting list ??? Sorry if this got off the thread topic a bit but wanted to explain my situation as to why I`m waiting for another box to arrive.

UPS does work on Saturday's
UPS does work on Saturday's

I wish they were working least in my area. I called the local UPS Hub {which is less than 5 miles from my house}on Friday and asked that very question and was told they very seldom have Sat. deliveries. Maybe its a area by area type of thing if they are working on the weekends or not.Either way its over and now lets hope it will arrive tomm. Hey Jimbos how about that Troy Smith guy !!!!!!!!! Go Bucks !!!!
How will you know when enough software updates are done for you ?
When you turn the thing on it automatically updates ALL software ....

As far as I know, there is only one company making them and that is PACE.


Once I am 100% certain that the off air portion will not blow up. I installed too many of these thing. I never walk out a house without the feeling the thing is going to die.
I called about a month ago was put on the list and two weeks later I was told they were in stock. That was around late novemember. I had to wait two weeks for a instalation date. It is this friday!
By being put on that "Priority Call List" does that mean you'll be billed for one of them or just be told they have one available for you (me)? I still need to haggle to get it for less than $299!
Waiting List

i was just put on the waiting list yesterday. i was told it would be 2 weeks.i love my hr10-250. i hope this is really an upgrade!
Who cares is they have it in stock or not. If the software is the problem then its better for everybody if customers wait several months till problem is fixed. If we install receivers with bugs today then tomorrow we gonna have tons of repeat service calls, angry installers and angry customers. Lets wait and not worry.
By being put on that "Priority Call List" does that mean you'll be billed for one of them or just be told they have one available for you (me)? I still need to haggle to get it for less than $299!

They will contact you then if you agree to have one, billing will begin. My upgrade is tomorrow. I asked weeks ago, if they could just mail it, since its replacing my standard DVR and I already have the New dish up. They said that for that reciver, being its in such demand...They dont want it sitting out on porches to get stolen.......
Called November 13th and got on list. They called two weeks later, and set up install on the 11th. So also about a month in S.E. Michigan.

That is ironic, I was placed on the waiting list on the exact same day, and I am also in S.E. Michigan, I have not heard anythning from D*...
That is ironic, I was placed on the waiting list on the exact same day, and I am also in S.E. Michigan, I have not heard anythning from D*...

I am in SE Michigan too. Called Monday (as I had been on "the list" for 7 weeks) and I was given an install date. Call them up and be polite but persistent.
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What the heck is going on???

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