How to change the horrible 94xx channel numbers for HD?


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Oct 10, 2003
Seattle / Blaine / Port McNeill
It's great that E* has moved HD content to the 110 satellite. I have a couple of buddies who are getting E* next week due to the 811 discounts and (mostly) the one-dish solution

However, they both asked me "WTF is with the horrible 94xx channel numbers for HD?" I've always wondered the same thing.

Does anybody know why they chose such dreadful channel numbers for their supposedly "ultra premium" content?

I send a question to the Charlie Chat about this, but, of course, it didn't get answered.

It would be terrific if we could get HD on (for example) the unused broadcast channels 0, 1, 37, and 70-99. Or, how about the 1000 series? Put them ANYWHERE SPECIAL, rather than in the 94xx wasteland.

What can we do to convince E* to change this?
Does it matter? Punching in 4 digits might but afte that what is the advantage to the 1000s v. the 9000s
What I hate is that you can't lock out channels on the 6000. With the location of the HDs, you have to scroll past tons of PI channels to get from locals to HD then about 10 Business channels to get to OTA channels. With a 148 dish, the PI channels increase considerably.
Setup a favorites list, you can have upto 120 channels. Just put the channels that you really need guide data for and 120 should be enough.
I happen to agree. Channels 70-99 seem like a perfect fit for HD to me. Put all HD on channels under 100. It'll be nice for the ppl whos other HD channels are OTA locals, which are also under 100. Good spot for all HD. But I can understand everyone elses view also, channel numbers are becoming less and less important.
Worse yet- 4 digit channel numbers are awful but the lack of real names for the receivers is just an attrocity!

WTF were they thinking by calling it the 811?

Now if they called it the "Bradley" or to be real slick- Applied Aggression" They might sell far more than with the name "811" At least they didn't try to use the name "911"

Real names for products shows class and creativity. Using numbers like that just tells me they have no marketing skills at all.

How popular do you think the Mustang or Camaro would have been had they been named 811 or 522?
Even a boring car like the Caprice wasn't named the "508"

:) :) :)
AppliedAggression said:
I happen to agree. Channels 70-99 seem like a perfect fit for HD to me. Put all HD on channels under 100. It'll be nice for the ppl whos other HD channels are OTA locals, which are also under 100. Good spot for all HD. But I can understand everyone elses view also, channel numbers are becoming less and less important.

I'd agree, but we've had two stations around here broadcast on 80.3 and on 75.1 and 75.2. Those digital broadcasters like to screw with the PSIP settings something terrible. There are already a few that have caused a problem on the 811 by broadcasting as virtual channel 1.

70-99 makes sense in a perfect world, but not ours.
Setup a favorites list for JUST HD. Then label it HD and hit the guide button a few times til you choose that favorites list. Voila. No more headaches.
Don Landis said:
Worse yet- 4 digit channel numbers are awful but the lack of real names for the receivers is just an attrocity! WTF were they thinking by calling it the 811? Now if they called it the "Bradley" or to be real slick- Applied Aggression" They might sell far more than with the name "811" At least they didn't try to use the name "911". Real names for products shows class and creativity. Using numbers like that just tells me they have no marketing skills at all. How popular do you think the Mustang or Camaro would have been had they been named 811 or 522?

Even a boring car like the Caprice wasn't named the "508" :) :) :)
:thats: funny! Thanks for a good chuckle.

First, we should be thankful that Dish hasn't come out wth the "Model 666 - the Receiver from HELL" or the "Model 411 - Getting Information".

Why are you complaining about model numbers being used by Dish instead of names I've had a 9-digit model number assigned to me by the government for most of my life. I'm surprised they haven't already tattooed the bar code on the back of my neck. The various phone companies I have dealt with throughout my life have all given me 11-digit numbers, and every one of them were different. As a result, I no longer have friends, and have probably lost touch with my family forever.

DishNetwork has even found it necessary to brand me with an un-account-ably long 16-digit model number. 16 digits! That's more digits than every human being on this planet, with enough numbers left over for every dog, cat, parakeet and guinea pig east of Mississippi. When I first got Dish500 in 2000, I was the 8,255,909,112,142,000th customer to sign up with them for satellite TV. In case you've run out of fingers and toes, That's enough numbers for eight quadrillion people, for gosh sake! Is that REALLY necessary?

So, go ahead and complain about Dish receivers not having clever model names like Melanie or Ass-Grabber or Spike. Let us all be thankful they didn't name it the model 811.649.725.123a. If that has been the case, I would be about 53 posts behind.

Here's a unique eleven-digit number you can call to complain. 18,003,333,474.
Don Landis said:
Worse yet- 4 digit channel numbers are awful but the lack of real names for the receivers is just an attrocity!

WTF were they thinking by calling it the 811?

Now if they called it the "Bradley" or to be real slick- Applied Aggression" They might sell far more than with the name "811" At least they didn't try to use the name "911"

Real names for products shows class and creativity. Using numbers like that just tells me they have no marketing skills at all.

How popular do you think the Mustang or Camaro would have been had they been named 811 or 522?
Even a boring car like the Caprice wasn't named the "508"

:) :) :)

Oh! I don't no about that, most luxury cars from Germany and Japan come with numbered names and sell quite well and show a lot of class. For example: BMW325i,545i, 760Li,etc. Lexas ES300, GS300, LS400, etc. Mercades-Benz C230, E500, S600, SL55AMG etc. just to name a few. actually the names for E* receivers are patterned after the way BMW names their cars, with BMW the first number is the series number, like 3xx, 5xx, 7xx, the 2nd and 3rd number is the engine displacement size, a 325 is a 3 series with a 2.5 litter engine. E* receivers are the same format, first letter is the series and the lower end models have lower numbers such as the 3xx, 5xx, 8xx, 9xx, the 2nd digit is the number of tuners and the 3rd number is the number of out puts, (311) 3 series, 1 tuner, 1 output, (522) 5 series, 2 tuners, 2 outputs, unfortunately their are a couple of small exceptions to this naming scheme like the 301 and 510 which make it a little confusing. :) :) :)

Why bother with Dish PVRs?

HD Channels listed twice

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