How to get Wing dish added at no extra charge?


Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Dec 5, 2003
When I set up my order to get the 811 receiver, rep said a wing dish would cost me $99 extra. Have read here some are getting this dish at no extra charge. What package do you have to order to get this dish at no extra charge?
Need the locals package that requires second dish.

If you subscribe to Locals, some locals packages has the extra channels on the wing sat. Dish offers the wing dish free to satisfy FCC requirements for those Local package users.

If you don't have a locals package that requires the second dish for the extra channels, there is no free offer for you.
I just had an 811 installed today. No locals in my area, but I qualify for CBS HD. The installer added the different LNB and switch to my work order at no charge cause I had a D* dish to use for the wing sat. When the installer got here this morning, he decided that my old dish wouldn't work after all, and he put a Dish 500 in it's place. When he called Dish to get it activated, they told him that they weren't installing 61.5 dishes after Friday, and to take it down or charge me $99. He made a stink about it and Dish backed down. Guess I lucked out. Two Dish 500s on the back of my house makes it look like I'm calling the mothership, but I got my CBS HD!
How did you qualify for CBS? That's the channel I want the most because I'm about 100 miles from the nearest CBS HD local. I'll never get it OTA unless I put up a very tall antenna. Did you get a waiver from your local CBS station?
2 ways to qulaify for CBS-HD (taken from the DIsh site)

You must live in one of the 17 market areas served by stations owned and operated by the CBS corporation. Owned and operated stations are commonly referred to as O&O stations. (O&O stations serve only 35% of the country. Hence, most areas in the country are served by stations which carry CBS programming, but are owned by independent companies. These are known as affiliates.)

The 17 markets served by CBS O&O stations are: Austin, Baltimore, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Denver, Detroit, Los Angeles, Marquette, Miami, Minneapolis, New York, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Salt Lake City, San Francisco, and Green Bay.
You must not be in range to receive the signals of a CBS affiliate from a nearby city. For instance many people in Baltimore (an O&O station market) are in range of the Washington DC CBS affiliate. These Baltimore residents cannot receive the HD feed without a waiver from the Washington DC CBS affiliate. The logic behind this is that the owners of the affiliate station do not wish to lose viewers to the New York or LA CBS station, generally a loss of viewers leads to a loss of ad revenue for the station.

Importantly, it is possible to get a waiver from the affiliate station allowing you receive a distant CBS feed. Today, CBS is attempting to get blanket waivers for the HD feed for all customers affected by these neighboring affiliate stations. If this effort is not successful, we will seek to get individual CBS waivers for individual customers upon request. Unfortunately, we do not have the ability to compel affiliate stations to grant waivers. Waivers are granted at the affiliate station's discretion, which is beyond our control. Please be assured that we are working hard with CBS in an effort to procure affiliate waivers.
You must subscribe to any one our distant or local network packages. If you do, the CBS-HD feed will be added at no extra charge.

You must live in an area that does not receive the broadcasts of local stations in any market area (a so called "White Area")

You must subscribe to any one our distant network packages (these include: Atlanta, Chicago, Denver, New York, and Los Angeles). If you do, the CBS-HD feed will be added at no extra charge.

Dish Pro Dish 500 LNB "Y" Bracket


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