Hurricane Katrina: The heroes, and the goats

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SatelliteGuys Master
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Apr 7, 2004
SatelliteGuystonfieldville, U.S.A.

LA Governor Blanco and N.O. Mayor Ray Nagin: Prime examples of why Democrats should stick to what they’re best at, which is causing problems and blaming as much of it as possible on Republicans. For Blanco and Nagin, mission accomplished.

Sean Penn: The actor, just back from Iraq and Iran, headed to New Orleans with a personal photographer to continue his quest to go down in history as Jack Kerouac with a lobotomy scar. Penn's mission was noble-- to take his boat and pluck people from the water. This may have earned him a “hero” spot. However, the boat was apparently made from the same material as Penn’s intellect, because the craft, like his logic, quickly sprung a leak and sunk. What a fitting tribute to the late Bob Denver.

The Price is Right: Early last week, one of the showcase prizes on The Price is Right was a trip to New Orleans and a boat. Whoops! The "previously recorded" demon strikes again. You'd think they would have pulled that particular episode, which was probably taped a month or two ago, prior to airing. I have a feeling that somebody over at CBS in programming is being kerplunked naked down the Plinko board over this one.

Celine Dion: Appearing on Larry King Live, Dion proved that, though her heart will go on, her brain won't. Concerning looters, Dion said: "Oh, they're stealing 20 pair of jeans or they're stealing television sets. Who cares? They're not going to go too far with it. Maybe those people are so poor, some of the people who do that they're so poor they've never touched anything in their lives. Let them touch those things for once."

They've never touched a vacuous French-Canadian singer either, I'll bet. I pray to the Gods of idiocy that looters are someday in Dion's mansion so we can say the same thing to her... we'll see how understanding she is then. I'm sure she'd point that out after the cops left and the charges were filed.

Whoever thought of the debit card idea: FEMA and the Red Cross decided to hand out $2,000 debit cards to evacuees in Texas, which suddenly made hurricane Katrina have something in common with Woodstock: A lot more people claim to have been trashed there than actually were. You can now buy Louis Vuitton bags at pawn shops all across the south.

France: In comparison to Bangladesh’s $1 million donation, France sent tents and tarps. You would think they could cough up a little more. Apparently they don’t even feel the responsibility to pay for the cleanup of their quarter of New Orleans. I guess we shouldn’t expect much from a country that won’t even give Lance Armstrong his pee back. The heroes and the goats in the hurricane Katrina disaster—there will be many, many more in the days to come.

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1) You've got to add Brownie to the list. He may have been blamed for much more than he was responsible for, but that "deer in the headlights" look he had whenever a camera was on him didn't exactly inspire confidence.

2) Kayne West - 'nuff said.


1) State of Texas, Gov. of Texas, the leaders and people of Houston who basically created a small city in a matter of days. A "city" that many did not want to leave - even for accomodations on a cruise ship.

Everyone that dontated to the Red Cross, any other charitable organization, opened up their homes to the victims, etc.

All the scams which instantly appeared. These people are the lowest form of pond scum.

The non-victims that tried to claim one of the FEMA cash cards.


The National Guard, reserve troops and emergency medical teams from all 50 states.

The many people of New Orleans we didn't hear about. The ones that didn't riot, loot or shoot at anyone, but instead helped save and care for their fellow citizens.

riffjim4069 said:

Sean Penn: The actor, just back from Iraq and Iran, headed to New Orleans with a personal photographer to continue his quest to go down in history as Jack Kerouac with a lobotomy scar. Penn's mission was noble-- to take his boat and pluck people from the water. This may have earned him a “hero” spot. However, the boat was apparently made from the same material as Penn’s intellect, because the craft, like his logic, quickly sprung a leak and sunk. What a fitting tribute to the late Bob Denver.

Goat? Don't like him, but that guy was wading around in polluted water dragging his boat behind him - gotta have some respect for a guy who backs up his beliefs - unlike most of the mouths who try to tear down him and others who tried to help their fellow Americans.

A metro detroit woman living here for nearly a year who moved here from nola and has been employed for the last 8 months suddenly finds she is a victim and gets herself money, a free home, clothes, $1,000 in a stocked pantry.

A scam artist busted by our local news hall of shame many months ago for a bogus charity flight program resurfaces as a army reservist collecting donations in a church parking lot in a tractor trailor, confronted he denies the allegations but eventualy admits to the truth and the church takes the truck and hires a driver to send the donations southward.


The detroit lions working to get donations, detroit pistons doing the same thing, the many law enforcement officers and other rescue pesonel that have went south to help in the rescue, recovery, and security effort. The city of Battlecreek for reopening a closed ymca that can house over 600 people, the city of detroit for setting up a welcome center to help dislocated people expidite aid requests. A local realestate company pulling several homes off the market and making them available to nola residents free for 6 months with the option to purchase or rent to own.

All the people in the town of Missoula Montana that have turned out to help a single father and his son find a home, work, food, clothes, several vehicles, and hope after escaping the floods when his family left them behind.
redhawk said:
Goat? Don't like him, but that guy was wading around in polluted water dragging his boat behind him - gotta have some respect for a guy who backs up his beliefs - unlike most of the mouths who try to tear down him and others who tried to help their fellow Americans.
I don't buy it. If he had quietly donated money and anonymously set out to rescue people or simply delivered food and water, then I would certainly agree with you. However, when you hire a camera crew and a press agent, it is clear that his motives were politically motivated. He may very well have wanted to help, but if nothing else this demonstrates a lack of judgement. Mr. Penn has been properly labeled in this case.
Michael-Berlin said:
Heroes: The german THW (Technisches Hilfswerk - technical welfare organization) ... they pumped millions of gallons of water out of New Orleans. But only a few Americans knew that :rolleyes:

....... plus 25 tons of food and other humanitarian aid, rescue experts, and an offer of 3.6 million barrels of oil from their reserves to help us deal with any fuel supply interruptions.

I didn't know that probably because, like most heros, they didn't hire a camera crew and press corps...nor did they seek public recognition. Like most people, I was able to help in a small way by contributing money, which my employer matched dollar per dollar.

Speaking of money...the Red Cross is going to need continued funds (money) in support of Katrina relief efforts for many months, if not years. Don't forget to make additional contributions as you can afford to do so.
Well I hope everyone who donated is prepared to do it again when they rebuild this death trap with our tax dollers and another hurricane hits and destroys it all over again. Remember that was not a direct hit but very close and not a CAT5. And if I understand some of the posts by Collins on DBSforums the recorded wind speeds and surges in NO were that of a Cat3
riffjim4069 said:
I don't buy it. If he had quietly donated money and anonymously set out to rescue people or simply delivered food and water, then I would certainly agree with you. However, when you hire a camera crew and a press agent, it is clear that his motives were politically motivated. He may very well have wanted to help, but if nothing else this demonstrates a lack of judgement. Mr. Penn has been properly labeled in this case.

Really, well IMHO Penn in Polluted water pulling people out - BUSH cancelling last two days of vacation, running mouth about Trent Lott being vacation homeless: Penn 1/Bush 0. Shifting blame conservatives now squirming in the cross-hairs are racist/bigoted NEO's properly labelled in this case...

Lack of judgement? Gee, after polls showed that 2/3 to 3/4 of Americans believe BUSH crapped out on this one - we see nothing but Admin Dorks expressing their concern on the TV - nothing like a little too little a little too late, unfortunately there are the babies and children who died as a result of the governments unwillingness/inability to act. So glad you can try to belittle Mr. Penn.

Cheney being told to "GO f**k YOURSELF!!" on national TV PRICELESS!!!
redhawk said:
Gee, after polls showed that 2/3 to 3/4 of Americans believe BUSH crapped out on this one - we see nothing but Admin Dorks expressing their concern on the TV -

I don't agree with the blame on Bush (the 100% blame) - but I sure as hell don't agree with answering a sinking approval rating with pledges of up to $200 Billion of federal monies to "rebuild" New Orleans.

If an individual didn't purchase federal flood insurance, they'd be screwed. Why is it different if many people get flooded?
My Kool-aid Drinking Experiment: a descent from rational thought and behavior

redhawk said:
Really, well IMHO Penn in Polluted water pulling people out - BUSH cancelling last two days of vacation, running mouth about Trent Lott being vacation homeless: Penn 1/Bush 0. Shifting blame conservatives now squirming in the cross-hairs are racist/bigoted NEO's properly labelled in this case...

Lack of judgement? Gee, after polls showed that 2/3 to 3/4 of Americans believe BUSH crapped out on this one - we see nothing but Admin Dorks expressing their concern on the TV - nothing like a little too little a little too late, unfortunately there are the babies and children who died as a result of the governments unwillingness/inability to act. So glad you can try to belittle Mr. Penn.

Cheney being told to "GO f**k YOURSELF!!" on national TV PRICELESS!!!
Wow! So you're actually trying to support and defend this clown. All I can say is Hello Bozo! Your disjointed and irrational post defies logic. But let me ram my head against the wall a few dozen times, and drink a gallon of Kool-aid in order to numb my mind so I can respond on an appropriate level. !sadroll


First, there is no doubt that President Bush and many Federal officials are to blame in this fiasco; this is clearly evident and I have stated so in previous posts. However, your claims to Penn 1/Bush 0 are not only incorrect (Bush -2, Penn -10 IMO), but they are typical of somebody like Penn himself , who will do and say anything to oppose the current Administration; they are bitter, selfish, nonsensical people who are anti-anything that is not part of their own twisted agendas. :dev People this like place our Troops, our Economy, our Society and our Nation is greater peril. Thank God 2/3 to 3/4 of the US pollution do not support nor condone such behavior. :hatsoff:

Second, if you will refer to one of the below pictures you'll see that the only person Sean Penis (pun intended) pulling out of polluted water was his own ignorant arse. What a rube! I know, I know, I'm sure that besides Hurricane will be quick to point out that Global Warming and Pollution are Bush's fault too. :rolleyes: Unless you're Amish, you probably shouldn't have much say regarding these matters since you're using valuable fossil fuel, which is used to generate electricity so you can rant on the computer.

Third, your statement, "Shifting blame conservatives now squirming in the cross-hairs are racist/bigoted NEO's properly labelled in this case..." speaks volumes and totally supports my point. The only bigots and racists here are people like Mr. Penn who, instead of treating people as equals and give them equal opportunities, label them as being "Inferior" because it makes them feel better about themselves; it gives them a feeling of superiority over others. They get to pat yourselves on the back because they helped my giving a few dollars to those are "Less" fortunate people. Hmmm. These are the "Great Enablers" and facilitators who continue to keep poor people poor - they are doing these people a great deal of injustice. Helping those in need is one thing, but an agenda of keeping people dependent on government subsidized hand-outs is just plain wrong, if not criminal. It's these "Covert Racists" who present the biggest danger to our society. Fortunately, these people are being exposed for who they really are. :devil:

Fourth, my wife recently had a displaced (New Orleans area) eighth grade student enroll in her class. The kid cannot read, cannot write, and has never even heard of our Constitution. Moreover, this kid has an attitude of "why do I need to learn this stuff - why do I need to learn anything - the Government will take care of me." Ugh! This kid is perfect example of what is wrong with the Great Kool-aid drinking Society; they are the Great Enablers who, through their continued hand-outs, teach poor children they are victims and they need not take personal responsibility for their actions. Big Ugh! Is is unfortunate that you have sided with these people. :no Anyway, don't worry about this kid. Even though my wife is a self-labeled liberal, she is big on personal builds character and not dependencies. You can bet your last dollar this young man will be an active participant in his leaning plan, and will held accountable for his actions or inactions. While my wife is Rhodes Scholar and could be earning several time her current salary, she continues to teach these kids because she cares, but she does not cradle; she is compassionate, but she will not coddle. You either take personal responsibility for your actions or suffer the consequences. You will not graduate to the next level until your pass her course; you will not earn a passing grade if you don't master the material. And what about Shared Learning that says all students should earn receive the same grade on their report cards? Shared learning my arse! If I earn an A, I am not about to give half of it to the lazy arse who did little or nothing to earn his or her F...just so we both earn a C. Nor am I going to give half of my hard earned paycheck to the lazy ass because...well, he is a lazy ass. This kind of thinking will destroy this Country so don't be fooled. !protest

Fifth, you're absolutely correct when you said, "unfortunately there are the babies and children who died as a result of the governments unwillingness/inability to act." However, you blindly attack the Federal Government while ignoring the inaction and misdeeds of those most culpable: the Mayor of New Orleans and the Governor or Louisiana. Now that the Kool-Aid is really kickin' in, I can conclude their Mayor must not like black Americans and the Governor must not like woman and babies. Ugh! Unfortunately, Bush appears to be in the process of enabling these people by funding the rebuilding of New Orleans. Again, I really do feel for these people and we should all do something to help them....however, taxpayers should not pay one cent for those not having flood insurance. Why? That would be irresponsible and would enable irresponsible thinking. :yes

Anyway, that Kool-aid is really good stuff...perhaps we should just take everything from those rich bastards and give it to the poor...who cares if they didn't do anything to earn it. Hell, why we're at it...why not just take all money and personal property and give it to the government...then let the government decide how much everyone should receive. And let's have everyone work for the government...they would be assigned jobs and, in return for their loyalty...the government would assign them a place to live and provide for their welfare. Let's all be part of a great big village where everyone is employed and our children and educated in state run shools...we could call it Villagism!!! :yikes

riffjim4069 said:
:D Wow! So you're actually trying to support and defend this clown. All I can say is Hello Bozo! Your disjointed and irrational post defies logic. But let me ram my head against the wall a few dozen times, and drink a gallon of Kool-aid in order to numb my mind so I can respond on an appropriate level. !sadroll

Well, you have sunken to the level of personal insults. So, let me say that if nothing else I (deleted this because it may be offensive to others) But hey Riff, drink your Kool-aid - it seems appropriate given your level of intellect. Have a Sunny-D and a creme-filled Ding-Dong while your at it....

riffjim4069 said:

First, there is no doubt that President Bush and many Federal officials are to blame in this fiasco; this is clearly evident and I have stated so in previous posts. However, your claims to Penn 1/Bush 0 are not only incorrect (Bush -2, Penn -10 IMO), but they are typical of somebody like Penn himself , who will do and say anything to oppose the current Administration; they are bitter, selfish, nonsensical people who are anti-anything that is not part of their own twisted agendas. :dev People this like place our Troops, our Economy, our Society and our Nation is greater peril. Thank God 2/3 to 3/4 of the US pollution do not support nor condone such behavior. :hatsoff:

You said enough at "President Bush and many Federal officals are to blame" - thanks for your admission. The function of the executive branch is to execute, the president is the head of the executive branch - they did not execute - period. Strange how the Shiavo incident could get the President to fly across the country in a heartbeat, while thousands in peril could not get his ass of the ranch. Guess it is better to be a brain dead white woman, than a poor white or black southerner, or maybe it's just the way it plays to your base that dictates your response. As far as people like Penn placing our troops in peril, how utterly ridiculous. How sad that you belittle the dead, crippled, and injured military personnel our country has so much to owe to try to demean Mr. Penn. And yeah, hundreds of thousands of folks are out of works because Penn had a little boat and destroyed our economy - get real...... If our society is in any peril, it is because of the mindless rantings of the braindead like yourself.

riffjim4069 said:
Second, if you will refer to one of the below pictures you'll see that the only person Sean Penis (pun intended) pulling out of polluted water was his own ignorant arse. What a rube! I know, I know, I'm sure that besides Hurricane will be quick to point out that Global Warming and Pollution are Bush's fault too. :rolleyes: Unless you're Amish, you probably shouldn't have much say regarding these matters since you're using valuable fossil fuel, which is used to generate electricity so you can rant on the computer.

Thanks for the straw-man argument - your feeble attempts at rational argument have been defeated by your own complete ignorance. Let's see, I use fossil fuel (I also have my own bio-diesel plant, 200 GPD cap., and no I have use for that much cap.), so I will point out that Global Warming and Pollution are Bush's fault??? Whose ranting on the computer now??? Shame, shame, shame...

riffjim4069 said:
Fourth, my wife recently had a displaced (New Orleans area) eighth grade student enroll in her class. The kid cannot read, cannot write, and has never even heard of our Constitution. Moreover, this kid has an attitude of "why do I need to learn this stuff - why do I need to learn anything - the Government will take care of me." Ugh! This kid is perfect example of what is wrong with the Great Kool-aid drinking Society; they are the Great Enablers who, through their continued hand-outs, teach poor children they are victims and they need not take personal responsibility for their actions. Big Ugh! Is is unfortunate that you have sided with these people. :no Anyway, don't worry about this kid. Even though my wife is a self-labeled liberal, she is big on personal builds character and not dependencies. You can bet your last dollar this young man will be an active participant in his leaning plan, and will held accountable for his actions or inactions. While my wife is Rhodes Scholar and could be earning several time her current salary, she continues to teach these kids because she cares, but she does not cradle; she is compassionate, but she will not coddle. You either take personal responsibility for your actions or suffer the consequences. You will not graduate to the next level until your pass her course; you will not earn a passing grade if you don't master the material. And what about Shared Learning that says all students should earn receive the same grade on their report cards? Shared learning my arse! If I earn an A, I am not about to give half of it to the lazy arse who did little or nothing to earn his or her F...just so we both earn a C. Nor am I going to give half of my hard earned paycheck to the lazy ass because...well, he is a lazy ass. This kind of thinking will destroy this Country so don't be fooled. !protest

Why don't you go ahead and post "Stupid pickaninnies! We have nothing to offer you silly n!@@ers!!!" (Of course I'm only guessing that the child is black, but your history of posts certainly leaves that as an option, given my own experiences as a non-white in the Southland) While you start out harassing a poor child who has nothing of the background of which you and I each share at least a part of the privelege of (we are posting HERE :)), you end up ranting about some silly shared learning idea, which has nothing to do with what you originally started ranting about, but certainly serves as another strawman ..... Shame, shame, shame...

riffjim4069 said:
Fifth, you're absolutely correct when you said, "unfortunately there are the babies and children who died as a result of the governments unwillingness/inability to act." However, you blindly attack the Federal Government while ignoring the inaction and misdeeds of those most culpable: the Mayor of New Orleans and the Governor or Louisiana. Now that the Kool-Aid is really kickin' in, I can conclude their Mayor must not like black Americans and the Governor must not like woman and babies. Ugh! Unfortunately, Bush appears to be in the process of enabling these people by funding the rebuilding of New Orleans. Again, I really do feel for these people and we should all do something to help them....however, taxpayers should not pay one cent for those not having flood insurance. Why? That would be irresponsible and would enable irresponsible thinking. :yes

Anyway, that Kool-aid is really good stuff...perhaps we should just take everything from those rich bastards and give it to the poor...who cares if they didn't do anything to earn it. Hell, why we're at it...why not just take all money and personal property and give it to the government...then let the government decide how much everyone should receive. And let's have everyone work for the government...they would be assigned jobs and, in return for their loyalty...the government would assign them a place to live and provide for their welfare. Let's all be part of a great big village where everyone is employed and our children and educated in state run shools...we could call it Villagism!!! :yikes

Gee, unless your wanting everyone else to pay for the white-flight vouchers as you posted in another thread. So much for vigalism.... So, keep drinking your Kool-Aid and eating your Ding-Dongs, and please change your ID to STRAWMAN, so it will match the intellect of your posts. Quite frankly, you're ranting again. I gave no mention of state/local government lack of responsibility, but thanks for the post I that implying that I did. Just gives more credence to the fact that you are a complete moronic liar. Once again, you started talking about one thing, and ended up arguing another unrelated issue.

"I can conclude their Mayor must not like black Americans and the Governor must not like woman and babies" This little gem certainly says more than I think you intended it too. Shame, shame, shame...
riffjim4069 said:
Er, it took you and your gang three weeks to comes up with this? Dead thread, move on already... ;)

I was in the dark for two weeks, cutting trees off houses the last one. Anytime you want to get together and discuss this, I propose Scott G. negotiatiate the exchange of addresses. I would LOVE to discuss this in PERSON with you.

FYI, I don't have a gang suckwad, keep sniping in the dark motherfucker :) :) :) . Hope to see you real soon. Real soon.... better hope you haven't posted anything that will point me in your direction. TIME for a SEARCH... :D :D :D

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