I got my 360!!

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From inital setup it wasnt that bad so far... And Windows media connect.. AWSOME!!! so far I am veary happy with the 360 and this is byfar the best system out!!! HD LOOKS BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! even the resoutions that you can watch while listing to music.. Microsoft hit it out of the park and and Beyond with this one!!!!!!!!!!... STILL SETTING UP AND PLAYING! :) the surround sound is WOW! alot better than the original xbox!!
I just hope the idiots who were all "it looks the same" will actually pay attention now that it's out. Take the sony-blinders off and actually look at the screen. Everything is so much cleaner and crisper, even on SD, that it's ridiculous. It's going to be a long year for ps3 waiters...
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