I Love RAVE!

Scott Greczkowski

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Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
As much as I have ragged on VOOM in the past for their origional content every day I am falling more and more in love with VOOM.

While selection of the movies on the 10 Cineplex channels is not my cup of tea, and while I just don't get the Art channel, I am falling in love with a channel which I didn't even think I would watch, and that channel is RAVE!

When I first got my VOOM everytime I turned on Rave, it was the same Rolling Stones video "Has Anybody seen my baby" but now every time I turn on Rave is something good on!

I am especially in love with the Concerts aired on VOOM, over the past few weeks I have watched concerts on VOOM from artists I would probably not watch, and have become fans of many of the artists showcasted on VOOM, Artists such as Bobbt McFaren, Lyle Lovett.

This past week I had tears in my eyes, watching Peter Cetera belt out "The Next Time I fall in Love" with Amy Grant (Who looked GREAT!) the sound was out of this world, it was another world class performace that Vooms Sound Stage has brought me.

I also caught Farm Aid in HD, and what a great show! Cheryl Crow, Dave Matthews (without his band), Neil Young... All top notch! As wierd as it may sound I actually found myself liking Willie Nelson, I really enjoyed his performace, and how wild was it seeing his guitar "Trigger" in HD, I don't understand how a guitar that looks so bad can sound so good! My Only Disapointment with the Farm Aid show was the performace by one of the performers I always wanted to see live, and that was John Mellencamp, John looked like he steped out of some auditions for Sha Na Na with his greesed back pompadore. Instead of playing his great classics (Brick Houses, Small Town, Check it out, Jack and Diane, etc.) he instead played some really bad blues numbers, when he finally did play a song people in the in the audience knew (Aint that America) it was still done blues style, the steel guitar played the same riff that it did in the other 4 songs. I was Disapointed. I have always wanted to see him live.

I now watch 2 or 3 concerts a week on RAVE and I have loved them all! To me this alone is worth the price of VOOM, I just hope VOOM keeps bringing us new concerts on a Regular Basis.

Yes at tiimes I still see the Rolling Stones video but now I am happy that most of the time when I turn on Rave its something that keeps me tuned in!

Thanks VOOM!
I loved that Peter Cetera concert. It was increible. I was dissapointed that "Hard to say I'm sorry" was not included but it was just excellent. Beyonce was out of this world. Farm Aid was spectacular. The Marseille Quartec Jazz concert was lovely and Michael Mcdonnal was sensational. I think I ran out of adjectives. So I'll stop here. :)
Honestly Sean, I was thinking of Canceling VOOM just a few weeks ago.

And now at night you can't get that remote out of my hand. :)

I do believe VOOM is here to stay. :D
Scott, like you I am also a big fan of Rave! Thank God for them, they're keeping music, *real music* alive on television! I agree with the concert performances, I also watch some of the bands I would never normally watch, and then find myself liking some of the material played! And about Farm Aid, yeah it was great to see Neil, Dave, and Willie, but I was also unimpressed with John, that new blues sound of his just isn't my thing, and he basically ruined the classics he did play with the dobro instead of the electric guitar playing the riffs! Stil great concert! VOOM's RAVEHD, ROCKS! You don't find music now a days on music television, so it's honestly a treat to have Rave. Sure it repeats a lot of the same programming, but don't all the HD stations repeat the same stuff?
Scott, as sick as you are of that Stones video, I'm sick of Cheap Trick and Beyonce concert. They're both on too much. How about getting some old rock movies and converting them, like Woodstock, The Wall, or Magical Mystery Tour :)
Scott Greczkowski said:
Honestly Sean, I was thinking of Canceling VOOM just a few weeks ago.

And now at night you can't get that remote out of my hand. :)

I do believe VOOM is here to stay. :D

Right now, I only watch E* for HDnet... Everything else is VOOM. My 721 is out of comission and I plan to disconnect and sell it as soon as the VOOM DVR comes out. If HDnet and HDnet comes to VOOM, my 6000s receivers will be gone as well. Right now, I am considering lowering my E* package since I have not commitment.
cyuhnke said:
Scott, as sick as you are of that Stones video, I'm sick of Cheap Trick and Beyonce concert.

I can't get enough of the Beyonce concert. I have seen it more than 5 times already. My wife says I am infactuated with it or I should say her. :)
It only takes a few channels with good content that a customer likes to get them to keep Voom long enough until more HD channels come on, and until the content gets better on the existing HD lineup.
Sean Mota said:
Right now, I only watch E* for HDnet... Everything else is VOOM. My 721 is out of comission and I plan to disconnect and sell it as soon as the VOOM DVR comes out. If HDnet and HDnet comes to VOOM, my 6000s receivers will be gone as well. Right now, I am considering lowering my E* package since I have not commitment.
HDnet is the only thing I miss from D*. But ya know the concerts are on Rave, the extreme sports on Rush. I miss the Hockey PQ (even though it repeated) and the babes in bikinis. Would someone please tell Voom we need HD Babes in Bikinis bouncing around in exotic places!
I really like RAVE, but the old movies have been great. I watched the man with 2 brains and loved it. Also "of mice and men" was just great.
Sean Mota said:
Right now, I only watch E* for HDnet... Everything else is VOOM. My 721 is out of comission and I plan to disconnect and sell it as soon as the VOOM DVR comes out. If HDnet and HDnet comes to VOOM, my 6000s receivers will be gone as well. Right now, I am considering lowering my E* package since I have not commitment.
Ditto Sean, all I have left from E* is the HDPack, at this point I am unwilling to let go of Bikini Destinations. :p Last night HDNET had a rock n roll reunion that was pretty good with Tommy James and some others. It freaked me out to see these guys looking so old (I grew up with their music :eek: ).
Yep, agree about Rave. At first it held some interest...

as it was in "HD!". Then the repeats. And now more new concerts! And we saw Tori Amos doing her thing on Soundstage a few days ago. Her show which was the first HD broadcast we saw way back last summer delivered by our local PBS OTA using a Rat Shack antenna and a Sammy STB convinced us that HD was the way to go. Then we got that fateful flyer from VOOM in early Dec. and here we are. Even ended up enjoying her music and I didn't think I liked her.

HDTV is ruining my life.

Watching HDTV under cloudy Seattle skies, Gill

P.S.: Getting our SimSeleco tweaked tonight. Will post about any differences in PQ.
I started watching Rave and was loving the videos but now I get physically ill everytime I turn it there because the same old videos are on.

If they can figure out a way to get their hands on a boatload of videos -- that actually change once in a while -- then this will be a great channel.

The concerts are good but so far nobody that I'm really interested in.

PPV and Real Adult Programming

Have you ever noticed this bout HDN?

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