In need of Dish...


New Member
Original poster
Feb 12, 2004
I am in the process of needing a clean break from my local cable. I am getting way overcharged and look to subscribe to Dish. I have been reading through posts and was wondering if there was a certain time of the month/year that Dish offers its best incentive to join? I am not too interested in the HDTV packages as I don't have the tv to support it. Based on previous promotions how does the exisiting promotion stack up to those in the past?

Thanks in advance.

I think it's just a matter of going to their Web site and deciding which free offer you're interested in. When you've decided, come back here and ask if there are any gotchas. Dish CS Reps don't always know or provide the whole story.

I haven't noticed that there is a variance at any particular time of year for signup offers. How much better than "free" can you do?

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