Need Extra Receiver Advice


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Feb 10, 2004
NE Ohio
With the help of the group I was all set to order the Digital Home Advantage plan from Radio shack. Figured I'd go with a real person since they had the same offer as on the net. Anyway I was looking at the two 322 receivers. I wanted to hook one up to just my big screen as to have PIP. Then one to my 2 other tvs and then pick up a third for my 4tv. I was told that the package is only for two 322's and you cannot get a third. The sales man stated I'd have to buy a third receiver, a 301 and said its 99.00. Can you guys think of a way around this (other than not using the PIP)?
Any one have a 301 collecting dus they might want to part with?
Currently the 322 doesn't do PIP yet with no definite plans as to when it will be enabled. You can run both outputs from the back of the 322 to your TV, but the built in PIP doesn't work. Don't know if this changes things for you or not.

Dish limits the number of leased 322s and 522 to a total of 2. No ifs, ands, and buts. However, you could always look else where to see if you can find another solution. There are no guarantees that they would activate it though...some have had luck activating the 322's big brother, the 522.
Unless they hook up a DP34 (which will allow 4 outputs) and you get another DP34, the max you can hook up would be 4 receivers (2 lines per receiver with the 322/522).

You could always hook up the 4th TV to one of the outputs of either would save on the 4.99 extra receiver charge.

If you do want to pick up a 301 pretty cheap, PM me and maybe we can work something out. I have a 301 I can part with..
well how often will you use pip at the same time you are using 4th (or 2nd or 3rd) tv?

if any of them are not being used at the same time your big screen is, just "y" off an output to the pip and which ever set isn't used at the same time.

In need of Dish...


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