Initial reaction on Sling Adapter

Does the sling adapter have built in wireless?

I have a USB wireless adapter that I use for my 722. Works great. Unfortunately there is only one USB port, which I would think the sling adapter would need too.

Would I be forced to look for a wired network solution when using a 722 and sling adapter?


I will add having only one USB port kind of sucks as if I want to use my external hard drive, I need to disconnect my wireless.

No, all you need is a usb hub. I have a 7 port hub connected to the rear usb port. I have my Sling, the wifi adapter and my ehd hooked up to the hub. Everything works fine.
Also, chibi, I doubt the issue is with FF5 (could be I guess), but rather with Linux. I've got Ubuntu Lucid with FF3.5, and got a message saying sling wasn't available.
Yep, you are right. I tried a different ubuntu box running FF 3.0 and got the same message. That sucks.
Tony your problem is more than likely *not* the browser or plugin.

Most of these issues come from problematic UPnP support, double nat, or dual networks in house.... and some are even more bizzare requiring special commands to re-route packets to cross the wired lan/wireless lan bridge internal to your gateway firewall/router.

To start trouble shooting .. get your IP Address from a site like:
Check that the IP address you have on your main home gateway wired/wireless firewall/router's *wan* or *internet* port. If the ip address is different then you have a network problem including double nat or 1 to 1 nat which would need additional info to help with.

After checking IP's.. need to know what your internet connection is (cable, dsl, broadband wireless, etc) and who provides it.
Need to know your Gateway devices ... brand & model (ie, 2wire DSL combo Modem/Routers .. looking those up, find they are not UPnP compatible.. etc .. that's what this info is being used for) .. same for your main network gateway.. someone posted they are using a Netgear 3700, some have more than one.. need to know what you have etc..
I recall you've got it wired directly to your gateway (that's good, no bridges, no homeplug adapters?) etc..

Next, confirm you've got the current firmware on those devices ... if you're using alternative firmware like DD-WRT/OpenWrt/Tomato.. then that is super important..

I always recommend setting up Static DHCP assignments for devices that shouldn't "move" and recommend they be Outside your normal dhcp range. most routers do "50" ip assignements from 2 to 50, or 100 to 150 ..etc.. I recommend static DHCP from 250 down.
ie. 722k -> 192.168.x.250, IPTV device: 192.168.x.249, Bluray .. 192.168.x.248 ...etc.. static DHCP means never having to try to manually assign inside a menu or having gamers thumb for all the button presses.

Lastly.. once on a Static DHCP for your router, if UPnP is the issue.. you'd create static port forwards for 5101 to the sling receiver. If you have more than one.. you'd have to create port forwards for each, 5101, 5102, 5103 ...

If all that sounds "easy" for you.. UPnP issue, static dhcp .. then try that first and then get back with the details on the products.... I would note, one person, not sure of his complete setup, found out by going device to device that someone had configured one of the computers with the same IP as his main gateway ( and that was causing some of the problems for him. So getting to know your network and the devices in it... is a good thing.. :)
TG2, I sincerely thank you for taking the time to post such a helpful and detailed response!

In another thread, someone posted a link to a Dish Active X plugin that works with Firefox 5. Guess what, I tried it and streaming to my home computer looks great. Next, I removed the wire from my 722k and replaced it with the WRT54G wireless bridge that I had been using and it is working great! I am getting bitrates as high as 8100K using the wireless bridge and the video looks really good!

I have no idea why it doesn't work with IE8 on the same computer. Also, when I first tried this (just a few minutes ago) I used Dish online and it did not work at all. Then I tried Dish Remote Access and everything started working correctly as I described in the previous paragraph (perhaps there is a problem with Dish online right now). I have no idea what is going on, but right now the sling adapter is working great on my home computer using Firefox 5. Also, as I said, the WRT54G wireless bridge is working really well with bitrates sometimes higher than 8000K!
Well, I guess I spoke too soon in my last post above. I closed the Firefox browser. Then I looked at my email. A few minutes later I tried watching TV again and now my system is acting just like it did before. Neither Firefox or IE8 will work. Neither Dish online or Dish Remote Access will work. I keep getting a similar error message like I had before: "There was a problem connecting to your device (Error 2). Please try again later". Oh well, back to troubleshooting the network.
TG2, I have started troubleshooting using your post above.

I checked the IP address that was reported by and it is the same thing that is reported by my Netgear 3700 wireless router, so it looks like I do not have a double nat problem.

I have AT&T dsl and am using a speedstream 4100 dsl modem. I have a Netgear 3700 wireless router. My 722k was connected by wire to a WRT54G in wireless bridge mode (with dd-wrt firmware). For troubleshooting purposes I have removed the wireless bridge and replaced it with a hard-wired connection to the 3700. (As I said in my post above, this morning the whole thing was working using the wireless bridge, but I have disconnected it again). I have the latest firmware on the 3700.

My internal network IPs are: 3700 wireless router is, it has given the 722k receiver (using DHCP) an IP of My desktop computer has an IP of (I am using the address reservation feature of the 3700 to always assign to my desktop). I have UPnP enabled on the 3700, and the 3700s UPnP Portmap Table is telling me that it is active, using TCP, int. port=5101, ext. port=5101, and the IP address is, which all looks to be correct.

I am very confused why it was working this morning, but now I am back where I started from yesterday.

TG2 or anyone else, do you have any ideas what the problem might be?
Tony S said:
TG2, I have started troubleshooting using your post above.

I checked the IP address that was reported by and it is the same thing that is reported by my Netgear 3700 wireless router, so it looks like I do not have a double nat problem.

I have AT&T dsl and am using a speedstream 4100 dsl modem. I have a Netgear 3700 wireless router. My 722k was connected by wire to a WRT54G in wireless bridge mode (with dd-wrt firmware). For troubleshooting purposes I have removed the wireless bridge and replaced it with a hard-wired connection to the 3700. (As I said in my post above, this morning the whole thing was working using the wireless bridge, but I have disconnected it again). I have the latest firmware on the 3700.

My internal network IPs are: 3700 wireless router is, it has given the 722k receiver (using DHCP) an IP of My desktop computer has an IP of (I am using the address reservation feature of the 3700 to always assign to my desktop). I have UPnP enabled on the 3700, and the 3700s UPnP Portmap Table is telling me that it is active, using TCP, int. port=5101, ext. port=5101, and the IP address is, which all looks to be correct.

I am very confused why it was working this morning, but now I am back where I started from yesterday.

TG2 or anyone else, do you have any ideas what the problem might be?

Do you show the 722 as being connected in the menu? Menu 6 1 8 2. I had numerous problems with wireless bridges on my 722k and ended up eliminating them all together with a sling link adapter. I have not had any problems since using the sling link adapter. You might have a flaky NIC in your receiver.
redelephants, Yes I have done that and the receiver is reporting an IP of which is correct. Also, the subnet mask and DNS address are correct. The connection status is reported as "Connected Online". Also, for troubleshooting purposes, I have removed the wireless bridge as stated in my previous post.
Tony S said:
redelephants, Yes I have done that and the receiver is reporting an IP of which is correct. Also, the subnet mask and DNS address are correct. The connection status is reported as "Connected Online". Also, for troubleshooting purposes, I have removed the wireless bridge as stated in my previous post.

Can you view VOD on the 722? Mine would also state connected but when I tried to confirm via VOD I received a broadband error. Can you ping the IP address to the receiver from your pc? If all the above are yes, I would try to swap out the sling adapter.
redelephants, I just tried it and Yes, I can view VOD with no problems (it works correctly with the wireless bridge or with a wire, absolutely no difference). I can also ping the receiver from my computer with no problems.

dwarren2, Yes I have dsl filters installed on all my phones and on the 722k as well.

Also, I should mention that the sling adapter always works on my iPhone 4 without any problems, so this would seem to indicate that the sling player itself is working.
Tony S said:
redelephants, I just tried it and Yes, I can view VOD with no problems (it works correctly with the wireless bridge or with a wire, absolutely no difference). I can also ping the receiver from my computer with no problems.

dwarren2, Yes I have dsl filters installed on all my phones and on the 722k as well.

I would swap out the sling adapter.
redelephants, I guess we were both typing at the same time. I edited my previous post to say that it always works with my iPhone4.

I have to say that I am stumped.
I would open up the log file for the player.. look for the IP address of the player.. and then look in that section for any other IP's in the 10's network. What I'm suspecting is that you'll find the ip address you get from Sling for your receiver is .103 ... but that the ip the log file shows the attempt to communicate with is .1.

If you want to PM me with a copy of the log file attachment I'll look it over for you.
And of course the one thing I forgot to ask was Windows XP / Vista/7
Logfile: Windows XP
c:\Documents and Settings\ *xxx* \Application Data\Sling Media\WebSlingPlayer\WebSlingPlayer.txt

C:\Users\ *xxx* \AppData\Roaming\Sling Media\WebSlingPlayer\WebSlingPlayer.txt

the *xxx* is your user name. The folders are hidden so you'll need to unhide them to get easy access.

Here's where the other user found the problem in the file:
00:00:05.881  000013D4          : RELAY : PROP_NAME : bitrate
00:00:05.881  000013D4          : RELAY : PROPID : 1
00:00:05.881  000013D4          : RELAY : VALUE : 4000
00:00:05.881  000013D4          : Trying to set RELAY throttle bitrate : 4000
00:00:05.881  000013D4          : RELAY throttle bitrate m_lRelayBitrate : 4000
00:00:05.881  000013D4          : CSBQuerySRS::OnResponse : SRSResponce <Slingbox>[INDENT]<finderid>.....................</finderid>

**snipped**[/INDENT]00:00:05.881  000013D4          : SPARCS hit error code : 00000000
00:00:05.881  000013D4  SBDEVICE: Last updated time=Thu, 16 Jun 2011 16:38:51
00:00:05.881  000013D4  SMSOCKET: CSMSocket::OnDataEvent (FD_CLOSE) : Error = 0x00000000 socket: 3116  Type = Streaming
00:00:05.881  000013D4  SBCONCTN: OnSocketClose(): hr=00000000 [Type = Streaming]
00:00:05.881  000013D4  SMSOCKET: Closing Socket: -1 [Type = Streaming]
00:00:05.881  000013D4  SMSOCKET: CSMSocket DTOR : sock : -1   Streaming
00:00:05.881  000013D4  SBCONCTN: CSBConnection DTOR [ Streaming ]
00:00:05.896  000013D4  DISCOVER: SBDiscovery: Device: 85xxxx SUDP Port: 6000 box_ip: : 11
(note the indented piece where "deviceLANAddress" is, is actually a very very very long line)
The issue.. was that back from the administrivia at Sling, the user's box IP was reported correctly, as ... but when the sling attempted the connection *inside* it would use the IP address of ... which was the user's gateway device where all this stuff plugged into.

The only thing I could come up with, is that there is some internal bridging problem, for ports on the LAN segment. Perhaps the 3700 (your case) isn't properly relaying the IP and port to connect to, for an "internal" network server ... because really that's what the 722k/922's become when your watching the sling adapter... they become network media servers.

the other user was using Tomato & DD-WRT firmware, and that allowed him to add a masq or forward rule into the firewall to get it to properly redirect any traffic for 5101 to their receiver's ip.

In my network, I am running a bridge (3 actually), but *not* through my main gateway. I have an additional router acting as an access point in bridge mode. Thus all my wireless bridge devices, come back to an access point, this access point then connects by wire to my main gateway. My main gateway doesn't have to re-write internal network packets for the bridge to my 722k receiver the 2nd router in access point mode does that, thereby offloading that extra work. That's the only thing I can see different from others doing this.

Anyway.. look through your log file.. you're looking for that spot (start from the bottom and use "find" going upward, since the log file isn't new every time you connect, you'd be doing *down* through all your previous attempts) ... find the "<deviceLANAddress>" snippet so you can see what is being said for your receiver.. then look at few lines down from there.. for the "SBDiscovery:" line that identifies your "box_ip" and see if they match.
So you are only having issues with which devices?

I cannot get the sling adapter to work with my desktop computer or my laptop computer. It always works with my iPhone.

I know you probably do not want to read this whole thread again, but it has worked on my desktop computer on a few occasions. For example, this morning it was working (with the wireless bridge) and it worked great with bitrates over 8000K! A while later, it was not working again. I replaced the wireless bridge with a wire (for troubleshooting purposes) and it still does not work.
Tony S said:
I cannot get the sling adapter to work with my desktop computer or my laptop computer. It always works with my iPhone.

I know you probably do not want to read this whole thread again, but it has worked on my desktop computer on a few occasions. For example, this morning it was working (with the wireless bridge) and it worked great with bitrates over 8000K! A while later, it was not working again. I replaced the wireless bridge with a wire (for troubleshooting purposes) and it still does not work.

Is your iphone using 3g or wifi?
I cannot get the sling adapter to work with my desktop computer or my laptop computer. It always works with my iPhone.

I know you probably do not want to read this whole thread again, but it has worked on my desktop computer on a few occasions. For example, this morning it was working (with the wireless bridge) and it worked great with bitrates over 8000K! A while later, it was not working again. I replaced the wireless bridge with a wire (for troubleshooting purposes) and it still does not work.

This might not be your problem but today I can not get sling to work if I go to but if I go to, log in there and click on
"Dish Remote Access" and access the old site it works. The new
was working for me yesterday. Strange.


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