Install Options


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Sep 11, 2003
What would be good install options if it can't be attached to the structure?
Is there a "clean" way of running cables from a pole mount and how much extra would this type of install cost over the standard free installation?
Well we here in PA. are told to charge 75$ for the pole mount.Some guys charge anywhere from one to two dollars a foot to bury the cable.What i recommend to my cust. is to run the wire through three quarter inch to one inch conduit. This means that if the wire should get cut while gardening :shock: you would have to dig it all back up and replace it,but if it is through conduit you wouldn't have this problem,or shouldn't :rolleyes: This would make it easy to replace the wire by just pulling it through with new.Me personally I will run the four wires from the dish in this case anyway to save the hassel down the road for the person who wants to add a tivo or more irds.I hope this answers your question :D
If you use conduit (I did), use real conduit, NOT PVC plumbing pipe.

The bends in plumbing pipe are too sharp to effectively fish wire through them. Use the grey PVC conduit, availavable in the electrical dep't of your favorite home center in 10 ft. lengths.

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