Installer here, says I can't move 1 Joey between rooms

Character Zero

SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Oct 14, 2008
I wanted to set it up so I could move my one Joey between 2 rooms. He said I couldn't do that because of the way the Hopper and Joey integrate and that they aren't using off the shelf splitters, so kind of special splitter (I wondered if he was talking about the Node, i don't know). So on, say, a 1 Hopper / 2 Joey install, is the Joey line out of the Node split for the 2 joeys with a regular splitter or some kind of special splitter?
A regular splitter you would use for splitting any RG-6. I'm sure there may be some limitations for frequency but any high frequency splitter shoule work.
On the training documents one sheet showed the output of the Node going to a "2 way splitter" and then to the 2 joeys.
Yes, you should be able to split it between the two rooms you'd like to use. It's actually what I plan to do when I create an upgrade for myself. Although, in training for this we were told that ANY connection not used needs to be capped off. So I wonder if you should cap the wall plate in the room you're not using it in.

Edit... Although, as a tech, I may have told you I can't do it. At least not for free. It's a little extra time, fittings, splitter, toning the line. It wouldn't take long but it wouldn't take no time either. I'd offer him a $20 to split it.

Vip and hopper

722k versus the Hopper

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