Installing DPP44


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Mar 9, 2004
Does anyone have any pictures of how they did this? I just don't know where to mount it. Did you just mount it on the back of the dish or how did you do it? Also how did you guys get power out of the house to it? I'm thinking a big extension cord will look very tacky. I was thinking it would be better installed inside but then I will have a problem with how to hook all my cables up as they all run from differn't spots and they meet up at the dish. I'm just wondering what the best way to do this is? Or am I misunderstanding how the power inserter works? Thanks guys.
Does anyone have any pictures of how they did this? I just don't know where to mount it. Did you just mount it on the back of the dish or how did you do it? Also how did you guys get power out of the house to it? I'm thinking a big extension cord will look very tacky. I was thinking it would be better installed inside but then I will have a problem with how to hook all my cables up as they all run from differn't spots and they meet up at the dish. I'm just wondering what the best way to do this is? Or am I misunderstanding how the power inserter works? Thanks guys.

I like my mount my DPP44's INSIDE, to keep the weather off. Where it says mount this side up, good idea to follow it.

You are supposed to ground it before the switch, so mounting it at the dish not the correct way.

As far as the power inserter goes, typically when I install one, if I'm not using all four ports, I just hook one side of the inserter (switch side) to port 1 and leave it, connecting the IRD's to ports 2,3,4.

If you need all four ports, just place the power inserter behind a IRD and make sure it goes to port 1.

I power up at least 1 IRD to before plugging in the power inserter.

Remember NO diplexers on port 1.
This is going to be a pita to install I can tell now as my cables are already run and none of them are anywhere close to each other inside. I'm also now finding out in addition to my $100+ I've spent to get stuff to install this thing that Dish will charge me $6 a month to enable HD. I'm now thinking maybe I should try and resell it all. This is getting way too expensive for me. HD is not that important to me.
My plans were to just get OTA HD right now and add the HD pack when they got more channels I wanted but I'm on a limited budget which I have already gone over and I still need another optical cable for this setup. Plus now instead of the $6 a month I was planning on it will be $12 a month for 3 HD stations well 4 if you count Showtime which I'd assume I get in HD since I subscribe to it. Who knows I may not. Thats more than I want to spend. I am wondering if I'd be better off selling the dpp44 again and trying to get a Voom receiver cheap to use as a OTA reciever with no monthly fee.

Plus I have no idea where I'd mount this Dish all the cables split up and go differn't directions so I don't know how in the world I'm going to connect them all together without buying more cables. I have enough to run from the Dish to all my recievers but thats it.

This is getting to be very expensive and I've about had it with Dish Network anyway. I'm very tempted to cancel the whole thing. $12 a month is crazy to just watch OTA HD.
Does anyone have any pictures of how they did this? I just don't know where to mount it. Did you just mount it on the back of the dish or how did you do it? Also how did you guys get power out of the house to it? I'm thinking a big extension cord will look very tacky. I was thinking it would be better installed inside but then I will have a problem with how to hook all my cables up as they all run from differn't spots and they meet up at the dish. I'm just wondering what the best way to do this is? Or am I misunderstanding how the power inserter works? Thanks guys.

The power insert goes near the back of your receiver, not outside. The switch can be installed outside near your dish, but it's preferred that's in a dry space. I have mine DPP44 switch installed outside and it works fine.
So does it really need to be grounded before the dpp44? It would be easy for me to put it at my Dish but they are grounded later on. I guess I need to get another grounding block also as I need to run another cable.
It won't meet Dish code, but you are not a Dish installer so who cares.

Hook the DPP44 up out by the dish, just use good compression fittings not crimp ons. Also mount the side that says "This Side Up" Up. The micro switches inside will thank you.

Place your power inserter behind one of the receivers, just make sure it is on port one.

PSST. don't tell anybody I told you this. A DPP44 will work just fine without the inserter if you are running atleast 1 Dual Tuner Receiver off of it, or atleast 2 DP receivers.
Plus I have no idea where I'd mount this Dish all the cables split up and go differn't directions so I don't know how in the world I'm going to connect them all together without buying more cables. I have enough to run from the Dish to all my recievers but thats it.
Reading this thread and seeing that you had about 2 and 1/2 hundred other posts, I took a quick look at a couple of other posts from you.

I'm confused! :D :confused: :D

It sounds like you have several receivers, currently have a dish installed, but planning on installing another dish - maybe in a different location.

In any case.... Ideally:) you would have a dish or two installed close to each other, and all of the cables from the LNBF's initially meet at the house in one location, which would normally be where you would put the grounding block. Hopefully either at this point, or between this point and the point where the cables start going in different directions, you can install the DPP44. The power inserter doesn't have to be anywhere near the DPP44. The power inserter would be inside the house, somewhere along the cable route between the DPP44 Receiver Port 1 and the Sat Receiver connected to Port 1.

In the back of my mind, it seems like you may also be planning on back feeding signals between locations in the house. Or maybe you should consider back feeding signals to reduce/save on cable runs, if possible.

There are other sites, but here is a link to one site which describes some of the equipment you are using, plus has many wiring diagrams that may give you a better idea on how to accomplish what you want to do, and also includes back feeding:
You can also download those documents by right clicking on them and do a save target.

EDIT: Spelling.
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