Interactive Functions on the HR20

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Dec 28, 2004
Has anyone tried using the interactive features on their HR20? I can get the interactive screen to appear using the Active button, but I can't choose anything with the arrow keys. Also tried the arrow keys on the mix channels, but it did not work. Am I missing something in the setup? :confused:
It works on mine, I played around with the ST interactive features which were pretty cool, and I also did the weather interactive channel which IMO sux! The info on interactive weather is a joke, it looks like it came out of last weeks USA Today, was expecting something better than that, I guess I will have to keep basic cable to get the Weather Channel local forecast.
I've used them but mainly for the Sunday Ticket stuff. I think there is plenty of potential there. The Players alert is good but not frequent enough. I like the scoreboard feature. It still needs some work and more focus to the HD channels but I think its where they should focus their ineractive energy.

As for the Active button. I tired it and it was whatever. Try to hit the Yellow button to make screen interactive. I tried a few things but it was functional and ok but I dont see myself spending any time here.
mcbeevee said:
Has anyone tried using the interactive features on their HR20? I can get the interactive screen to appear using the Active button, but I can't choose anything with the arrow keys. Also tried the arrow keys on the mix channels, but it did not work. Am I missing something in the setup? :confused:

Sounds like you need a reset.
I finally got it to work last night. After hitting the Active button to get to the interactive screen, I started pressing the different color buttons, and the menu option appeared. Maybe it was the yellow button like Brewer suggested. :up
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mcbeevee said:
I finally got it to work last night. After hitting the Active button to get to the interactive screen, I started pressing the different color buttons, and the menu option appeared. Maybe it was the yellow button like Brewer suggested. :up

You do not have to press anything for the yellow box around selections work, I will wager you just were not waiting long enough, sometimes it can take 20+ seconds before it lets you navigate. Glad you got it working anyhow. The yellow button is used to switch Audio channels, it really has nothing to do much with Active.
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