Interesting Call From Dish

Crazee Carroll

Original poster
Dec 3, 2003
Got an interesting call this morning from a Dish telemarketer. They were doing there normal upselling gig where they wanted me to upgrade from AT 120 to one of the value packs. No biggie because I was not interested and told the caller if I were interested I would call them that they would not have to call me. Still no biggie... What was interesting was right before hanging up the caller tried to sneek in what they were pitching which was 15 channels of HBO/CINEMAX. Although I did not sign up I ask what the channels in the HBO/CINEMAX part of the pack was "WHICH I ALREADY KNEW" or thought I did. she said that Dish was going to be adding Thriller MAX and Outer MAX. That did kinda perk my ears up which lead to the question of when were they going to be added and she said real soon. I know there was talk on here about some more Cine channels being added at the end of the month. Are those the channels??? If so once I see it for myself I may have to reconsider the value pack since there will be more bang for the buck... Has anybody else got this kind of call from Dish... Just curious... CC
That would be really cool if they did offer the other Cinemax channels like Outer Max and Thriller Max. Most likely you had an overzealous telemarketer who was trying to make a sale no matter what and just told you what he or she thought you would want to hear. I have heard several csrs tell me things that contradict each other . Including some Dish techs even tell me contradicting things. Of course it might be true which would soften the blow a bit of the latest price increase. Last year's price increase included 2 new Cinemax channels so why shouldn't this years include 2 new channels?
Just for the record I have heard nothing about any new Cinemax channels coming. I would be willing to bet the caller was just trying to make a sale.
I'd rather they use the bandwidth to give us more DD5.1. Cinemax now offers first run movies that move over to HBO after a month. I don't watch those movies until I can get the DD5.1 track on HBO.
What's the deal with ThrillerMax and OuterMax Anyway? I thought once you subscribe to Cinemax you get all Cinemax channels! Is it bandwidth or these channels cost extra? Is this the same with other premium channles (HBO/Showtime/Starz etc.?). Do we get all the channels or are there other channels from these providers that Dish does not carry?
snathanb said:
Bingo... Dish doesn't carry all the Cinemax channels that are available.

I figured that out by now :yikes .

But what about Starz/HBO/Showtime? :confused:

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