International Access Fee


Well-Known SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Mar 17, 2006
Need help for verifying the charges to my account:

I started American top 120 together with Chinese great wall package since last Dec and currently my bill reads:

AT 120 $44.99
International Access:$10

When I checked Dish website the other day, I found as along as you have core package (like AT 120), you are eligible to add Chinese package without international access fee. Is this correct? If yes, should Dish credit me back $10 international access fee since last Dec.

Thank you!
you are correct. If you have a base package (AT120, AT200, Family etc) you DO NOT get charged the $10 Int'l access fee. Thats for folks who dont have any package other than the Int'l

PM a DIRT (Dish internet response team) member. Their names are in red on the main forum page. They can correct that for ya. From previous threads this sounds like a glitch
(also I sent a note to the DIRT folks to check this thread so they can help out)
I have a similar, albeit slightly different, situation. I tried to add "My Sports Germany" (which has now become "My German TV Plus") which is an add-on international pack for $10/month. I already have AT 250. But on the web site, I can't add that channel without adding another International channel or package first (the checkbox is greyed out until you add something else). So I called a CSR who couldn't add it by itself at first either, then told me she had fixed it as it was a computer glitch. Mission accomplished, I thought. Next time I go to my account I notice I am getting the Great Wall Chinese pack in addition to the German Sports channel. So the CSR had evidently tried clicking around until the German sports channel became active to add, and in doing so inadvertently signed me up for a package I hadn't asked for. I cancelled it myself online (and it only cost me $1.00 or so for the one day I had it plus the $5.00 cancellation fee), but I still couldn't add the one German sports channel without adding at least another channel. So I picked one of the cheapest items I could find that might interest me, RAI Italia for $10.00. So now I am paying $20/month for two international channels when I just want to be paying $10/month for one international channel. I talked to a CSR about it since then and he said that because the German sports channel is an "add-on channel", you have to have some sort of other international package to add it on to. I may not be repeating that word for word, but it was something to that effect. Does that make any sense? It jives with what I've experienced on how the international programming tab behaves on the web site. The checkbox for the channel I want only becomes active if I add something else first. I just wish there was a way to get JUST that one channel for $10/month. Anyone know anything about this? Have any advice for me?
Hi , I am sorry that the first agent did not provide the correct information regarding the "My German TV Plus". This is an Add On Package which means you are required to have a base international package in order to qualify to add this programming. It is not a stand alone International Package. If you need any additional assistance, please PM me. Thank you!
I wish they would reconsider this for some of the international packs. I would get the International World Pack or News pack, but I can't justify paying an additional $10 for a channel I don't want or even understand to get those packs. Those packs are in English, which makes more confusing whey they can't be made available with non international packages.

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