Inventory Reduction Sale #1- Minibud C/Ku Combo


Crazed Cajun Rebel
Original poster
Pub Member / Supporter
Jan 7, 2007
Wanna make a minbud out of your 1.2 dish? Here's all the electronics and scalar ya need. I used this LNB very little, isnt even faded, in fact. The conical scalar is new, never used, plus I am including a LNB holder (not pictured) to go with it all, all you need is a dish.


WSI 741 c/ku LNB
WSI Conical Scalar
LNB Holder

75.00 shipped USPS Priority Mail CONUS


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Anyone have a Phase III dish they don't need?

Inventory Reduction Sale #2 ESX 242 Dual C-band LNB

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