Is Dish still planning to change SD 105 to 121?


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Oct 1, 2003
Hazel Green, WI
A while back Dish mentioned something about changing the LNBs on the 105 Superdishes over to 121. Since then everything has been quiet. Does anyone know if this is still being planned?

All the new dishes going up in my area are now with 121 LNBs. Should I expect a change? :confused:
The 105 satellite is a temporary one and has poor coverage of some parts of the US. They had to move some markets from 105 to 121. A new 105 satellite should be going up later this year with full USA coverage. If they are putting up 121 dishes in your area and you have a 105 dish, they will probably change your dish out.
mike123abc said:
The 105 satellite is a temporary one and has poor coverage of some parts of the US. They had to move some markets from 105 to 121. A new 105 satellite should be going up later this year with full USA coverage. If they are putting up 121 dishes in your area and you have a 105 dish, they will probably change your dish out.
I though the only difference between the 105 and 121 dish is the position of the Ku FSS lnb. A dish could be either depending on which the mounting bracket was used. I don't think a dish swap would be necessary, but instead just replacing the bracket and possibly reaiming the dish.
Not everyone who has a SuperDISH would have their LNB changed, it was only in a few select areas where they found the signal from 105 was not quite good enough.

I expect to see another Major SuperDISH push this summer.

Can I recommend a 522 to my neighbor?

Getting Dish Home now on 522

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