is on demand always slow to d/l something?

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SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Apr 7, 2008
St. Joseph, MI
I just have DSL at my house and everytime I attempt to d/l something off on demand it seems to be sooooooo slow.

Is there a way make it faster OTHER than faster internet?
Basically... Nope.

Your problem is that it's DSL. DSL is always slow when it comes to streaming because it's only capable of 1-2Mbps on a good day if you're more than a mile or two from the branch exchange (which about 80% of DSL subscribers are). You have to get something faster and non-distance-dependent like Fios or cable. Just remember though it doesn't need to completely download in order to watch it. If you have a slow connection you just have to let it buffer for 5-10 minutes before you start watching. You need at least 3-6Mbps (they recommend 10Mbps) for seamless instant viewing.
The above statements are not entirely true. DSL in and of itself is not the problem.

The 1st question to the OP should have been what the paid for DSL service is?

If you pay for 3M cable it will not be any faster than a DSL rate that is faster; say 3M, 6M, or 12M DSL, etc

In my old apartment I had 12M DSL and was about 1.6 - 2miles from the CO-BOX and my speeds for more than fast and had no issues with VoD. I now am in a new place with 20M cable and obviously I realize a bit faster D/L, but not simply because the previous place was DSL.

My neighbor is on 6M DSL and has no issues either. All this said there are more than a few things that could be in play here other than the type of service the OP has.
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Yeah my DSL is the "elite" according to at&t I have never seen it much over 2M though..... maybe I need to look into comcast.
What is the "elite" speed rating? I guess I could look it up.

Downstream Speed: Up to 6.0 Mbps
Upstream Speed: Up to 768 Kbps

You could look into cable or fiber. Both probably offer a promo rate that would be cheaper for 3 - 6 months and be at least 12M - 16M (obviously faster); I get COMCAST now; was PROMO for 19.95 for 6 months and $50 thereafter. Let your budget vs. needs decide (not sure what you pay now)
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The OP said he has DSL. DSL never has a true paid service rate because it is so distance dependent. I had DSL at one point too (9 miles from telco), and I never got anywhere near the 'paid service rate'. It's all 'Up to xxxkbps or xMbps'. They will never guarantee a speed. You can pay for a higher tier if the lower ones don't cut it, but the same losses apply across the board. When I switched to cable, I ALWAYS got the speeds I paid for. Same with the fiber optic line I have now. So 3M cable absolutely can be better than 12M DSL. It just depends on how much copper is between you and the phone company.
That's exactly why I said was not entirely true; not totally untrue. There were questions that needed to be asked and answered instead of making a blanket statement. Thats all. If the user likes what he gets for the money some other troubleshooting options and distance can be looked into. DSL properly setup can get very near the 90% vs paid range. And sure; total distance must be accounted for. I have never owned fiber but I have had cable in numerous places with different companies and cable; well when it works, it works well, but also has a few issues. My bud has 50M FiOS in DFW and raves about it. Sadly, it will never be everywhere for a VERY long time if ever.
I answered the way I did because usually fact the that they have DSL is the problem when it comes to anything streaming. I've been a network tech long enough to know that the majority of the time DSL = slow, regardless of the service level they pay for. DSL is dead technology and will never get better. It's all about DOCSIS over fiber to the pole and fiber to the premises.
I pay $35 for what I get now and like I said it may occasionally go a bit over 2M. I see comast has decent prices but they all say that the prices are for customers with comcast cable. I don't see anything for internet only customers.
Usually 'non-bundled' internet prices are $10/mo more. That's a pretty universal strategy. I would look into whether Fios (Verizon fiber optic) is available in your area. It is a much better service with a faster link than Comcast for the same price (again, it would be $10 more without Verizon phone or IPTV service).
I have the ATT fast access @ 6mps and we have no real problems with streaming from Netflix,iTunes,ect. And xbox 360 online multiplayer works great. Directv VOD is the slowest thing I got I dont know if the problem would be in their server speed or in the HR21 box. SD movies and shows dl fairly quick but if I want something in HD it might have to wait till overnight. It does seem strange that DTV is the slowest thing cause I can be watching Netflix on the puter while son plays Halo online with no glitches but the VOD just by itself takes a while. Both xboxes connect wirelessly while the computer and HR21 are hardwired ethernet.
if you watch that short VOD thing Directv has on 1000 it says "download speeds vary depending on connection speed"

I have DSL too and it sucks....takes forever to download
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