Is there a easy way out of this situation?


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
May 7, 2004
This happened the other nite from all the storms in the SW Michigan area the last couple of days...watching locals on 105 when the satellite signal is lost...i'm stuck there or is there a way to force the satellite into the 110/119 signal which is higher strength for both and therefore less suseptible to rain fade? Shutting down to stand by mode and turning back on did not help either. I have a 522 and both tuners were tuned to locals at the time. Just ride the storm out or is there a way to get to the other 2 birds that I'm not aware of? Thanks in advance...
105 is a weaker satellite than the 110/119 birds.

I'm not sure what you're asking with "force the satellite into the 110/119 signal". Each bird has it's own channels. If you select a channel that's on 110 or 119, the receiver will switch to that bird. A list of what is where is here.
i live in kentwood and had the same thing happen to me. i was unable to do anything about it, i was stuck "searching for signal". by the way, how many times did the rain fade happen to you?
What locals package are you guys on? I am in Kalamazoo and get my local off 119 and I get the same locals package as you. Btw, no problems here with the storms. Only lost signal once for 3 minutes or so.
The good news is that the replacement satellite for 105 will be going up soon, and the signal strength should greatly improve...
I just had a customer call me that has a 105 SuperDish that could not get the signal to come back in on one of her two receivers since a storm had hit, it would show a blank screen, while the other receiver works just fine for her. I also had a PM that someone else was having an issue with 105. I have had my fair share of problems dealing with 105. I cannot wait until the new 105 satellite goes up. I think that would resolve some of the problems and help with signal strengths and tuning it in.
You could put up an outside antenna as a back up for al least some of your locals. Once I return to E* and get a SuperDish105 for my locals I will leave my antenna up so I can get at least 3 of my locals even during rain fade.
I have experience the blank screen problem before with other customers and told her to pull the card out and push it back in. This is a soft reboot and the receiver started working again. This happens to the receivers with yellow cards in particular in that they lose authorization if they are not hooked up to the satellite or do not have power to it for a while.
When the Guide button is pressed wouldn't it say "Cannot Acquire Guide Data" when the satellite signal is lost, at least after a certain period of time?
mwg, i will try that next time but if i remember correctly, when i'm in the "searching for satellite" mode, i believe i tried doing everything to no avail....i was just stuck there...but i wioll try hitting the guide button again and see what happens. thanks for all the replies gang...very much appreciated...

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