Is there a schedule of upcoming HD channels?

Diamond Dog

Well-Known SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Jun 1, 2004
Is there a schedule of when HD channels will be released for 2004 anywhere specific to Dishnetwork?

I have hear that there will be 100 or so channels released in the next year.

Diamond Dog said:
Is there a schedule of when HD channels will be released for 2004 anywhere specific to Dishnetwork?

I have hear that there will be 100 or so channels released in the next year.


Where have you hear that? :p

GaryPen said:
He might be thinking of DirecTV. They made an announcement about increasing HD dramatically. (I don't know about 100, though.)

I think D* mentioned 15 to 20 total by the end of the year.

Actually one of the operators and one of the installers told me that. However I take what they say with a grain of salt. Thats why I thought I would check with you guys.

They also told me that a lot of my local channels would be moved to the dish so I should'nt put up an off air antenna. But maybe they were just too lazy to do it and just told me that.

But anyway, back to the orginal question...does anyone have any idea of which channels and when they will be released on Dish?

There is no schedule and these types of things are rather fluid. They just pop out just like TNT-HD. Dish has not commitment made on offering more HD Content. They did some time back make mention of SuperDish and upto 50 more HD channels. A month after they changed direction so I am not sure what there plans are.

As for DirecTV, the post about there new bird made it sound like they are going to use it for both locals and HD depending on demand. they have made some commitment to a certain number of HD channels, but I would take that with a grain of salt too.

Should make for an interesting year for sure.

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