This is why I'm really regretting going with Dish at this point - the cable co here may be SLOW, but they eventually get there and (at least usually) don't outright mislead you or play games other than taking forever to get stuff rolled out.
Dish (or, at least, Charlie) flat out lies to you and expects you to take it with a smile. We'll see how bad TurboHD/Absolute subscribers get screwed in the inevitable shakeout... I don't know about you guys, but I have ZERO desire to pay 54.99 + taxes (for classic bronze DDA) when the ONLY TV I have Dish on is a 52" HDTV and I have all non-HD channels locked out (well, except special ones like NASA) and I don't see that changing anytime in the future. 39.99+taxes is bad enough, barely justifiable for just one TV, so even more expense is completely out of the question for me - and I imagine a good number of folks out there who just have Dish for the HD.
Probably the best we can hope for is that they do to us what they did to Absolute - just leave us alone until some unknown point. The only alternative is probably forcing another price hike - but people (especially TurboHD Gold folks) are still mad about the LAST one, and another hike would pretty much make the charges similar to Classic+HD. Hey, at that point I bet they'd be happy to essentially give us all Classic+HD minus whatever (SD) channels they could get away with - if we pay the same amount and get less channels, that's a big win for Charlie! The people on this board would just switch to Classic+HD, but Lord only knows the huge numbers of sheeple who wouldn't even realize their bill went up past Classic+HD - and they'd still brag to their friends how they save money by "only getting the HD channels!" That's America for you today...