Joey has no Internet connectivity via MOCA


Original poster
Mar 17, 2012
I had 1 Hopper and 1 Joey installed today to replace a 722k.
I have Ethernet connected to the Hopper and am able to access the internet features. However the Joey is unable to use any feature that requires the internet.
The devices are paired and I can playback from the DVR and watch TV on the Joey.
The MOCA status on both devices shows as "Failed" and has a 169.x.x.x ip address.
If I run ethernet to the Joey I get all the missing features back.

Anyone else have this problem or have any clue on how to fix it?
Hmmm... According to Dish the Ethernet port on the Joey is not active as of now.... Did you try hard resetting both the Joey and Hopper?


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Yes, Hard reset on both the Hopper and Joey. The Ethernet on the Joey works as thats the only way I can get it to access the internet.
When i plug it in the Ethernet drop down on the Network Setup page becomes blue and it gets an IP Address from my router.
Make sure your router has enough IP addresses to hand out one to the Joey.

Under the MoCA Network setup menu, hitting Reset Network will bring the entire MoCA network down and then up again. Reset Connection will just reset the Joey.
Thanks, I have plenty of DHCP addresses available. We tried resetting the connection and the network numerous times to no avail.
Don't worry too much about this. Right now, the Joeys are going to say they aren't connected to the Internet. That's not a problem, since the Hopper is, and the Hopper is what's serving the information to the Joeys.
I just had a 1 Hopper 2 Joey system installed today and have the same problem. The Hopper is able to see Blockbuster & On Demand content, but the Joey's cannot. The Joey's just flash the seven green dots accross the screen like its trying to search for content, eventually times out and returns to tv program.

My hopper is connected to the Internet via the top ethernet port. I have 90 IP's free on my router.
You need the Hopper Internet Connector for it to work.

Login to your dish account and click "Order From Store" and you should then see the Hopper Internet Connector for $25
I did a network reset (Broadband Menu) on my Hopper and then reset both Joey's by holding the power button down.

Blockbuster and On Demand both work now on the Joey's. Streaming 30 minutes or less movie on my Joey w/o a HIC now.
DBS Commando said:
You need the Hopper Internet Connector for it to work.

Login to your dish account and click "Order From Store" and you should then see the Hopper Internet Connector for $25

No. You do not.

Sent from my iPad using SatelliteGuys
I did a network reset (Broadband Menu) on my Hopper and then reset both Joey's by holding the power button down.

Blockbuster and On Demand both work now on the Joey's. Streaming 30 minutes or less movie on my Joey w/o a HIC now.
Thank you. However, the DLNA on the Joey still doesn't see anything and on the Hopper which was seeing everything it only sees 3 devices now. Oh well. Trials and tribulations of early adapters, yes? :D
Same issue here, tech gave up on getting MoCa to work and used a usb wifi thing on my Joey.
Hopefully a software update fixes this.

I'm also having this problem. Just had 1H/2J installed yesterday. Only a WiFI connection on the hopper works, neither ethernet ports work, the hopper won't get an IPAddress from my router. I have no internet connectivity on the Joeys via MoCa. I'm gonna try hard resetting everything, via the power button and possibly the plug, to see if their settings refresh.

Either way I think a firmware update is needed from Dish to fix these issues.
I was doing an internet search for this and found this thread. I chatted with a dish rep and they told me how to get internet with the joey's.I hope this wasnt already answered and Im not just being redundant but here goes anyway.

You dont need to have a wired connection with the joeys to your modem or router. As long as you have an internet connection with the hopper you can try this to fix your problem.

Hit Menu,
go to settings,
go to network setup,
go to broadband,
go to network details,
click on bridging,
then enable,
then save your settings.

After this, a screen will pop up saying that it is configuring your network settings. After that scren another will pop up and then you are done and will have wireless connetivity from the joeys to your internet connection that you have with the hopper and all your apps will work properly.

Hope I didnt reserect a post that has been dead for too long. LOL But it may help someone since this thread did come up on a goggle search that I did for this very problem.
Yeah the method to enable bridging changed in the recent software updates. You're spot on. Good work!

Though I will note, the Joey is getting it's Internet thru MoCA (coax) rather than wireless.

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