Just got a 522


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Feb 3, 2004
Cincinnati, OH
Signed up for DHA and got a 522.

Everything is good, except for one thing. I have program guide only for the AT60 channels, not for my locals. I tried forcing the guide update via the preferences menu and set the time to 3 minutes from the current time. The machine went through its thing and rebooted, but when it came back up, it had only retrieved the next hour of shows for my locals!

I'm not sure what to do next.
mjrusso45 said:
How do you do a switch test? Is that under diagnostics?

Go into installation then dish pointing and when you see the signal meter, click on check switch, and have it go through the test. Then exit out, and it will download all the guide info again, and you should have it.

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