On Friday May 24th I ordered Dish Network to be installed on Tues 5/25 between 8 and 12. Was up at 7, hadn't heard anything by 10 and called and couldn't get a hold of the installer, long story short, he showed up an hour late. Sense I didn't qualify for the promotion they send me in the mail 8 to 10 times a week, I was given the not so good credit plan where I had to pay the 99.00 install fee and pay a month in advance and I could choose from a HD receiver or a DVR Standard receiver box. Always had DVR and love it. So ordered the DVR. So the install guy get there an hour late mind you and he asked me why I am not getting the HD box, I had an HD TV and you have over 70 different channels in HD. He said I could just use my computer to record DVR's for free." He also added that way you don't have to pay extra each month for DVR. Seemed like a good idea at the time, so I agreed. I got to thinkin after the guys left and realized without a DVR box, I'd have to save everything to my computer and it wouldn't take long to fill that up so I immediately called Dish Network thinking no big deal, I could just switch back to my original DVR package. This wasn't the case.
After speaking with like 10 different Dish Network employees ranging from customer service, to supervisor to manager then to The Executive Resolutions Department , which is supposedly the highest level of customer service, they all told me the same thing. When I signed the piece of paper that installer gave me when he left, I agreed that everything was installed correctly and to my satisfaction… And by signing that paper, it's closed the work order and it cannot be reopened, but they were nice enough to give me the option of purchasing a DVR box through Dish Network for only 449.00 or wait and with 12 months good payment history I "might" be able get an upgrade to DVR. It didn't matter that the installer misinformed me. Felt like once I signed that form I was signing my soul to the devil with no way out. All I want is the DVR, I'm not asking for credit or anything I didn't already qualify for. I just think its pretty sh!tty that because I took the advise Dish Network employee that ended up not being correct I, the consumer, am being forced to pay for it for another year. When I called in the first time I asked the rep what can i do to fix this, the installer has only been gone and hour, I can drive to him and switch out the boxes, I can bring it in to one of your retail stores, whatever I need to do , but can we please just get this fixed? I just feel it could have been such an easy switch and everyone is happy, but no. They would rather lose a customer. Now I have little options other than to post this to any and every website that will listen in hopes that no one else gets screwed the way I did and see if anyone has any advise for me. Thanks
After speaking with like 10 different Dish Network employees ranging from customer service, to supervisor to manager then to The Executive Resolutions Department , which is supposedly the highest level of customer service, they all told me the same thing. When I signed the piece of paper that installer gave me when he left, I agreed that everything was installed correctly and to my satisfaction… And by signing that paper, it's closed the work order and it cannot be reopened, but they were nice enough to give me the option of purchasing a DVR box through Dish Network for only 449.00 or wait and with 12 months good payment history I "might" be able get an upgrade to DVR. It didn't matter that the installer misinformed me. Felt like once I signed that form I was signing my soul to the devil with no way out. All I want is the DVR, I'm not asking for credit or anything I didn't already qualify for. I just think its pretty sh!tty that because I took the advise Dish Network employee that ended up not being correct I, the consumer, am being forced to pay for it for another year. When I called in the first time I asked the rep what can i do to fix this, the installer has only been gone and hour, I can drive to him and switch out the boxes, I can bring it in to one of your retail stores, whatever I need to do , but can we please just get this fixed? I just feel it could have been such an easy switch and everyone is happy, but no. They would rather lose a customer. Now I have little options other than to post this to any and every website that will listen in hopes that no one else gets screwed the way I did and see if anyone has any advise for me. Thanks