Last Nights Tech Chat

Scott Greczkowski

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Staff member
Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
I must say I was very happy with last night's tech chat! (And not just because I won a 921)

When the show first started and they were goofing off about Daves Trip I said to myself... "Oh no not again" (Though Daves pictures were quite funny!) and then it got worse when they showed the ITV video...

But after there it slowly picked up.

At first it seemed like they were really screening all the questions and only going for the softball questions, but then BOOM the flood gates opened up! And ALL questions were being answers. And for the most part all questiond were answered as honestly as they could answer them.

It was good to see Dan Minnick get some on air time. Dan is a good guys I have talked to him numerous times. You could tell at the beginning he was nervous but by the end, he seemed comfortable. He was a good choice to have sit in.

I wish the other person to sit in would have been Paul Legal, I have also talked to him in the past, and this guy REALLY knows his stuff. He would be better at the main desk then in the Peanut Gallery.

My hats off to the Tech Chat Crew for making the Tech Chat a Tech Chat instead of a 1 hour marketing program!

Well done guys!

Chris at DBSTalk has posted a recap of the show check it out at
I agree - that was one of the most open chats they have ever had. I was floored that they took and answered some of the questions that they did. My hat's definitely off to the tech team at Dish!

Of course, now we'll have to see if they can actually make all of those 10 day deadlines that were imposed last night for the software fixes... :)

And congrats, Scott - I was on hold right behind you for the 921 as well.
Why didn't they have chats like last nights while I was a subscriber? I was online for the chat and it sounded much better then what they had been doing for the previouse two years I was a sub.
GaryPen said:
Maybe the new openess has something to do with that VP that got canned? Wasn't HW and tech stuff his jurisdiction?
Are you referring to recently retired president & COO and new permanent board member Mike Dugan? He used to be in charge of engineering. And he wasn't "canned."
JohnDoe#2 said:
Are you referring to recently retired president & COO and new permanent board member Mike Dugan? He used to be in charge of engineering. And he wasn't "canned."

Yea, he probably wasn't canned since he's on the board. However, corporations always find a way to make things sound good. When our COO 'retired' it was the day before they announced that an insurance company that was in business for 92 years was dead. It was also one week before he was to become the CEO of the company, guess he didn't want to be the CEO of a dead company.
JohnDoe#2 said:
Are you referring to recently retired president & COO and new permanent board member Mike Dugan? He used to be in charge of engineering. And he wasn't "canned."

Whether he was canned or left voluntarily, he's gone as VP of engineering/COO grand high exalted mighty pooba, or whatever. (Although, those things are usually involuntary.) Members of the board do not get involved in the day-to-day operations, and are only one of many who vote on strategy and direction, not nuts and bolts.

Back to the point: He was specifically in charge of engineering, which may include the entire hw/sw devolopment and manufacturing deal. As COO, it certainly would have some bearing, as well.

So, doesn't it seem logical that we wouold be seeing changes in the areas he presided over? I think so.
Given the fustercluck that the last year was at E*'s Engineering dept., ANYTHING will be an improvement. C'Mon guys, I've stuck up for you as I've battled the critics, now reward my patience and follow through and make those ex-E* subscribers jealous.
This is going to be a very busy summer if Dish does all the software updates to fix all the problems on the existing receivers and also bring namebased recordings to all the dvrs. It looks very promising though if they can pull all this off. I might still look into getting a 921 if they can add ota recording info and fix all the satellite issues as well. :yes
GaryPen said:
So, doesn't it seem logical that we wouold be seeing changes in the areas he presided over? I think so.
Can't disagree with that.

As a matter of fact I have to wonder if his promotion to president & COO was an example of the "Peter Principle." Dugan was responsible for most of the engineering success as E* rose up so dramatically. I suspect that if he were still in the trenches the 721 would have been more stable at the outset and the 921 would have come out closer to schedule & with fewer issues.
The price of the 921 is not going to drop until the supply is greater than the demand, and the hardware pricing drops for the components of the receiver.
Stargazer said:
The price of the 921 is not going to drop until the supply is greater than the demand, and the hardware pricing drops for the components of the receiver.
Here's my idea for Echostar: Reduce the price of the DVR 921 by $150 to compensate for the failed "promise" of Dishwire offloading of the harddrive. This also makes the DVR 921 more competetive with the HD-Tivo and its two 8VSB tuners. Then, if Elton CAN make Dishwire work to Hollywood's, er, the "content provider's" satisfaction, Dish can add it to the 921 by utiliziting the "MainMenu/System Setup/New Features" and charge $150. If an owner doesn't want to pay for the added feature of Dishwire, they wouldn't have to.

522 record one, watch another

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