Lifetime Gets Backup in EchoStar Spat

So I am a NAG that is out of control because I express my opinion and support Lifetime? One poster said he and his family had no interest in Lifetime. Well, that is HIS family, and only one opinion. Everyone has their own. He mentions some Fine Living channel. I've never heard of it, but I would like to ask if he would be willing to pay 4 more cents a month for that channel, and would he be angry if Charlie pulled the plug on it?

Also, I still see no proof anywhere that Lifetime stated that they wanted Dish to carry a third channel. It is just an assumption.

This guy Charlie has pulled channels in the past, and probably will again. He can't be the one in the right all the time. I think the guy is a fruitcake, and seems like a hard headed greedy fool.

If it seems like I'm 'getting my panties in a bunch" or like I'm "whining", so be it. It is obvious that some people think that women shouldn't have an opposing opinion. If Lifetime supposedly makes women get annoyed by men (to put it nicely), then looks like I don't need Lifetime for that anymore.
Forgot to mention something else. I think the Mitch guy is actually an imposter(who hates LIfetime) pretending to support Lifetime, going around spamming with direct content from Lifetime, so as to make other Lifetime supporters look bad. Ha Ha, real clever.
I just went to Oxygen's website to see what kind of channel it was. I'm sorry, but now I know that Charlie really does have it in for women. It seems like it is a channel with alot of sex shows, with exception of a few talk shows I already get locally. Right on the front page of their site is an advertisement for some show called campus women or something, and they are talking about nude lady shower gel. Then there is a pic of a woman with huge breasts, and something about a sex talk show. Replacing Lifetime with that channel feels like a real slap in the face. It really does. It is supposed to be a show for men and women. It looks like it is geared more towards men. I'm definately switching to the other satelite company. soon as I can save up the freakin deposit. Not sure if I'm supposed to post their name since everyone always just used the first initial. Things would be so much easier if only I could get cable. Well, goodbye, it seems pretty obvious that women aren't treated too kindly here, at least those that support Lifetime anyway. Have fun, no hard feelings, I know guys need their own message boards. I'll find a message board just for women.
Just a few observations...

According to this poll SatelliteGuys members feel that Lifetime Networks is slightly more to blame in this dispute...however, consider our membership is probably more than 90% male and, by the looks of it, consists of a fair number of insensitive women bashers as well. From what I've observed, it appears that more than 80% of women blame Dish Network for this debacle on other sites (check out The only ones supporting E* are zealots who are overly opinionated. The vast majority of members simply don't care about the Lifetime channels (like me!), but our significant others do.

Hmmm. For channels that nobody watches, in a forum dominated by men, I find it hard to believe the Dish Network vs Lifetime Networks issue would generate 44,377 Views and 860 Replies in ten of the busier Lifetime threads (quick search). It appears there are a lot more closet Lifetime fans that some of you care to admit. Methinks thou doth protest too much! (Replies=125, Views=4761) (Replies=522, Views=27608) (Replies=33, Views=2491) (Replies=60, Views=2642) (Replies=26, Views=1938) (Replies=27, Views=1115) (Replies=13, Views=658) (Replies=44, Views=2186) (Replies=7, Views=701) (Replies=3, Views=277)

Perhaps we should drops the HDNET Forum and replace it with the Lifetime Networks guys clearly love this stuff!!!
Are you really surprised that 80% of Lifetime website visitors favor Lifetime in this dispute?

Lifetime is the one who is making this issue about women. They refuse to release the details of the negotiations, but they release just enough to give their rabid fanbase a reason to feel victimized so they can be easily manipulated. Most people here know that gender (or gender bias) has nothing at all to do with this dispute. It is business, and Lifetime screwed up.

Charlie believes he can withstand the losses arising out of this dispute. Lifetime thought they had enough leverage to force his hand. Either could be right or wrong - and you can support either side.....but if you feel victimized, as a woman, because of this dispute - please seek therapy. Charlie is no more anti-woman than he is anti-children because he resisted adding NickToons. This was about growing Lifetime's $900 million revenue, and now it's about preserving it.

Seeing Lifetime manipulate women and all these important women's issues and organizations - just to pad their television network's bottom line - is the most sickening thing about this dispute, and more "anti-woman" than anything E* or Charlie has said. Seeing the individuals falling for it, is just sad.
Having been married for 20 years, my spouse was not happy about the Loss of Lifetime, but also is interested in holding down rates. She happened to like some of the movies, and so did I. Having been in Law Enforcement for about 12 years, the woman as a victim is very real. There are also men that are victims, but 90 percent are female when it comes to domestic abuse.

It's pretty obvious with all the crude comments, that some of you have no concept of the real world.

I am talking physical abuse here, not mental abuse, that both sides are pretty good at dishing out by cheating etc.

People have choices of what stations they watch, I could care less about ESPN, but yank it off the air and see how many people scream. I am sure some people feel just as strongly about Lifetime Networks.

We won't be protesting for sure and are happy that Dish is standing up for control of rate increases. Now if they could just fix their crappy customer service, I wouldn't be on cable now after being a Dish subscriber for 7 years.
Personally, I hope both sides cease negotiations and go their seperate ways. It will be interesting to see what long-term affect it will have on churn, new subscriptions and the production of Lifetime programming. flowery press releases, hand holding, or singing of Kumbaya...I wanna see who caves first and screams like a girl.:tux:
I wiash that both sides would quit issuing press releases and sit down and negotiate in private.
It is unusual that the bargaining became so public and so abusive, especially on Lifetime's part. Someone at lifetime miscalculated the worth of its channels, especially the new one Lifetime Real Women, which seems like a repetitve channel.

It sounds like Dish hold the high cards now. I still will predict that the Lifetime channel will be back on within 60 days.
mitchflorida said:
It is unusual that the bargaining became so public and so abusive, especially on Lifetime's part. Someone at lifetime miscalculated the worth of its channels, especially the new one Lifetime Real Women, which seems like a repetitve channel.
It sounds like Dish hold the high cards now. I still will predict that the Lifetime channel will be back on within 60 days.
Wow! I thought the only thing you knew how to post was that dribble from Lifetimes web site.
luvmovies said:
So I am a NAG that is out of control because I express my opinion and support Lifetime? One poster said he and his family had no interest in Lifetime. Well, that is HIS family, and only one opinion. Everyone has their own.

It's funny how you mentioned it's only one opinion. Minimizing the other party is always how activists respond to such comments. Sure it's "your opinion, but it's not mine and doesn't count" is so prevalent.

I say vote with your wallet, it's just like Rush says (noticed you mentioned you didn't like him your other posting), captialism allows you to determine the success or failure of any company you don't agree with if you decide to go elsewhere. Of course, this only works if your view is in the majority. That's what the radical fringe doesn't like, that the 80% silent majority (that never say anything) don't care and won't use their wallets in a similar manner.

Aww well, that's freedom for ya....
luvmovies said:
Oh, and just wanted to say that I can't stand Rush Limbaugh.

Which is totally off topic and proves that you are affliated with the organizations mentioned in the press release at the beginning of this thread. Nice to know that SatelliteGuys gets enough coverage that NOW and whatnot come here to lobby as well :D
The bug is reason enough to keep LRW off of E*. You'd think they'd come up with some smaller logo, but instead, the bug is:

Real Women

It's worse than A&E's and I stopped watching their channel when they went to that annoying bug.

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