OK so this one is confusing me. My relative called me thinking I know how to solve the problem from a distance
Hopper with Sling and 2 Joeys. So when trying to view a program the banner shows up with the information but its just a black screen. This is on all stations. The Joey in the other room can view the channels just fine. But when he tries to watch a program that he is currently recording the program plays just fine. But live TV its just a black screen. Did a hard reset (unplugged from wall for 5 minutes) and nothing
Is the Hopper going bad? Or something else?
Hopper with Sling and 2 Joeys. So when trying to view a program the banner shows up with the information but its just a black screen. This is on all stations. The Joey in the other room can view the channels just fine. But when he tries to watch a program that he is currently recording the program plays just fine. But live TV its just a black screen. Did a hard reset (unplugged from wall for 5 minutes) and nothing
Is the Hopper going bad? Or something else?