local and distant networks

Eastern OR

SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Mar 14, 2004
Here in eastern Oregon we qualify for local networks(abc,cbs,nbc,pbs) from Yakima Washington. We also qualify for distant broadcast networks of upn superstations, wb superstations, national pbs, and several choices of ABC feeds nationwide. We do not, however qualify for any east coast feeds of cbs, nbc, or Fox.

My question is-who makes these decisions and on what basis are they made?
Is there any way around this 'qualification' criteria to pick up east coast feeds of cbs, nbc, and fox in addition to our local stations?
Every part of the US has areas that are "Grade A", "Grade B" and "White"

Grade A....you can pick up a signal from that channel very good
Grade B....you might be able to pick up a signal from that channel
White......you shouldnt be able to pick up a signal.

The rules are made by the stations and the FCC..
I know there is a technological way to classify Grade B, something like "1/2 the people in the area can pick it up with an antenna 20' up" or something like that :)

Basically what they don't take into consideration is your area may be classified as Grade B for a specific channel, but since between your house & the tower is a mountain (or hill, or buildings) you can't pick it up. Where I live, I qualify for Minneapolis, MN locals and FOX. There are translators (low powered repeaters) of all 4 networks 20 miles from me. Yet, CBS is only 587 watts, and the other 3 are around 11K watts, so picking them up is real difficult, even with a 30' tall mast, preamp, big antenna on a 2 story house. The only reason I qualify for FOX is the translator was put up 1/1/03, and DIsh may not know about it yet.

Bottom line...there are 3 ways to get distants
-qualify for them.....as you do with ABC
-grandfathered....you had them long before the SHVIA act was enacted
-Waivers...you would have to get a waiver from ALL CBS, NBC, & Fox that claims you are Grade B (there may be more than one)

Here is a site that tells you what you what grade the stations in your area are (even translators)


Hope this helps.
thanks a bunch for the clear reply. Just finished asking for 3 waivers. Will see where that goes.

It's in how you ask. Don't ask for east coast stations if you are on the west coast. Dish will say no. Instead, start off by asking for a waiver from your local stations to receive distant broadcast networks. This will then start the process.


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