Looking for 622+211 deal. Is there such a thing?


Unashamed Bengal Fan
Original poster
Sep 7, 2003
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
As the thread-title states, I am looking for a 622 AND a 211 deal. The Dish web site shows two separate deals, but I wonder if there is something out there that might combine the two.

Background for those unfamiliar with me and my current set-up: I plan to replace a 721 and 501 with the new receivers so no lines need to be run. I already have dishes pointed at 61.5/110/119 so no instalation is needed. One of the dishes is 10 years old and may need replacing eventually, but right now I do not need installation. I have been a Dish sub in good standing since April 1997. I currently sub to AEP + Dish Latino Bonus + Locals + Supers and plan to uping that to Dish HD Platinum+Locals+Supers WITHOUT DL Bonus.

So... are there any unadvertised deal I should know about?

Thanks in advance!

See ya
One thing I forgot to ask, does the 622 and/or 211 require something OTHER than legacy switches? I have a legacy SW64 and 3 legact dual LNBs I would rather not replace.

Thanks scott!

See ya
No it does not require a new switch, they work fine with legacy, and since you already have 2 lines coming in for your 721 it would be easy to upgrade to a 622, just plug and play. :)
I don't know if legacy LNBs will go on a Dish 1000, but DishPro LNBs and legacy switches do not mix. Same goes for dish pro switches and legacy LNBs. All Dish pro or all legacy up from dish to receiver.

See ya
Who's "this guy"? :) Is it you?

I already have 61.5, 110 & 119 so I can physically get all the HD channels now. No need for a Dish 1000 (yet)

See ya
I emailed CEO on Friday last week and got two leased 622s, a new dpp44 and the Dish 1000 for the $398 upgrade with an 18 month commitment. As far as I know, the new dish and switch are included in the offer. I get two 10 for 10 credits (one each box) and the $100 for the 942 if I decided to return it. I may keep it and return the 508 and 510 I have. It was installed the next day. So far so good. I found out my HD set only has one 1080i input (others are 480p max). I had to buy a digital a/v selector to share the input with my three boxes (622s and 942).

Don't forget to mention Satelliteguys.US in your email.
Who's "this guy"? :) Is it you?

I already have 61.5, 110 & 119 so I can physically get all the HD channels now. No need for a Dish 1000 (yet)

See ya

ahh, nevermind, i wasn't paying attention. so you do have legacy lnb's and legacy switches. that should work just fine then. :)

trouble with second receiver (301)

622 - Edit Timer Question

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