Looking to upgrade to hopper 3


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Jan 10, 2014
Hi I am looking to upgrade to the hopper. Right now I have a 612 in the living room and a 211z in a bedroom. I also want to put tv in another bed room. I am on a mixed arc cause back a few years ago we were supposed to be switched to the eastern arc but the ground was frozen so they left it.

I was thinking a hopper and 2 joeys one wired and one wireless.( for the bedroom with no service right now). Also the router is not in the same room as my receiver.
Just wondering if this is the right route? Thank you
Shouldn't be an issue. The wireless Joey is completely independent of your home network and the h3 can connect to your home network wirelessly for additional services.

The tech will install the right hardware regarding the dish for your dma.

This will be a nice upgrade for the equipment you're replacing.
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Hi I am looking to upgrade to the hopper. Right now I have a 612 in the living room and a 211z in a bedroom. I also want to put tv in another bed room. I am on a mixed arc cause back a few years ago we were supposed to be switched to the eastern arc but the ground was frozen so they left it.

I was thinking a hopper and 2 joeys one wired and one wireless.( for the bedroom with no service right now). Also the router is not in the same room as my receiver.
Just wondering if this is the right route? Thank you
Because you are on a mixed arc, you may have problems getting an H3. It seems any configuration with more than one dish is sufficient for Dish to say no even though we here know better. Your best bet is to go through DIRT here on this forum.

Worst case, you may need to have your dish upgraded to a single dish/arc and the multiple dish/mixed arc flags cleared from your account, then go for the upgrade.
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Because you are on a mixed arc, you may have problems getting an H3. It seems any configuration with more than one dish is sufficient for Dish to say no even though we here know better. Your best bet is to go through DIRT here on this forum.

Worst case, you may need to have your dish upgraded to a single dish/arc and the multiple dish/mixed arc flags cleared from your account, then go for the upgrade.

What he said.

Game Finder broken

DPH42 available in PR

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