Looks like the 811 still has a limit on favorites


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Sep 7, 2003
Dripping Springs, TX
OK, Page 45 in the 811 manual says 'You can have an unlimited number of favorite channels...'. Great no more limit like on the 6K, so I start building up my lists. Got the first list done and start on a 2nd list when error 118 pops up, you've exceeded your number of favorites, you must delete some before adding more.

On the phone with Dish again, they've taken another bug report and will have someone look into it on Monday and get back to me.
I can read this as saying you have an unlimited number of channels in your favorites list.

Not an unlimited number of lists of favorites.
gpflepsen said:
I can read this as saying you have an unlimited number of channels in your favorites list.

Not an unlimited number of lists of favorites.

The complete sentence is "You can have an unlimited number of favorite channels but they must be grouped into no more then four lists.". Also, unlike the 6K, there is no counter shown that says how many more channels you can add to a favorites list so you'd know when you're out of space.
Rad, can you tell if the limit is on:

1. the number of lists
2. the total number of channel entries per list, or
3. the cumulative number of entries in all lists combined?

My guess is that the limit is on the cumulative number of entries in all lists. (3) In other words, when no more lists or channel entries can be made, delete an entry in one list frees up a slot in another list. ???
Nick said:
Rad, can you tell if the limit is on:

1. the number of lists
2. the total number of channel entries per list, or
3. the cumulative number of entries in all lists combined?

My guess is that the limit is on the cumulative number of entries in all lists. (3) In other words, when no more lists or channel entries can be made, delete an entry in one list frees up a slot in another list. ???

The box still have the 'All Channels" and All Sub" lists that you can't change and four user lists, just like the 6K. Within those four user lists, according to the manual, you're supposed to be able to add whatever number of channels you want in the list. When doing the adds there is no counter that's shown saying how many available slots you have left, like the 6000 did, which also implies that there is no limit to the number you can add.

When you get the 118 error it says to delete some channels you already selected so you can add more.

The bottom line is that there's supposed to be no limit and it's generating an error saying you have too many. I don't know what they limit is, I don't feel like going back and counting. Hope this helps - Rick
Does the number of favorite channels entered happen to be in the series 2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256...?
gpflepsen said:
Does the number of favorite channels entered happen to be in the series 2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256...?

No, the list I was trying to build as my 2nd was for all the CD music channels.

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