
What do the colors mean on the satmaps? Is white the line or can you get a signal out to red?

A typical FCC filing and the maps include a center beam point and -2, -4, -6,-8,-10,-15, and -20 dbw EIRP contours.

A -3 dbw change in the EIRP represents a 50 percent change in signal strength. -3 dbw is 50 percent of the center, -6dbw is 25 percent of strenth at the center, -9 dbw is 12.5 percent of the center, and onward.

The white represents -2dbw from center. The actual dbw value for the contour should pop up somewhere on the contour if you hover the mouse pointer over the contour.

Each satellite has a unique peak values so the absolute value of any contour may vary depending upon which satellite your are viewing.

A typical DBS satellite has a peak value in the high 50's, say 57-59

Your standard antenna will probably receive an acceptable signal at 50 dbw or higher(the -6 to-8 dbw contours).