MLB Package / DishPlayer Problems

Scott Greczkowski

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Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
Today I was doing some work in my office so I decided to turn on the TV and catch a ball game. I was surprised when I turned to the MLB Extra Innings to see the screen say "To Subscribe Call 1-800-333-3474"

I am subscribed to the Extra Innings package, PLUS MLB is in FREEVIEW MODE!

I couldnt even tune to the channels by pressing the up and down arrow buttons, I could go to them in the guide (they were Greyed out) and select them but was greeted bu the call the subscribe message.

So I called Dish who had me unplug the unit, hold the power button, pull the smart card etc... Each time I did this I needed to wait for the damn DishPlayer to download its listings.

The last time I pulled the smartcard I tuned to the channels (which were still greyed out) after staying on the Call to order screen for 30 seconds the game came in. Of course I looked at the guide and they are still greyed out. But I am allowed to watch now.

The Tech told me that the Dishplayers have some issues with the MLB package and if this problems happens again Dish suggests that I upgrade my equipment :( (GRRRR)

Is this happening to anyone else?
I got all the previews but starting on the 12th I cant get any of the games and I am also signed up. Any ideas???
I have tried pulling card,unplugging and pushing power button. Nothing works. Anybody have any other ideas for getting my MLB games??? I am using a 301 reciever.
I haven't bought the EXTRA INNINGS package yet -- can anyone tell me if they
get all the games are are many of them BLOCKED OUT. I'm mostly interested
in Philly games and I live in western PA.

Rain fade and SuperDish

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