More HD channels soon on Dish Network


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Sep 28, 2003
I been e-mailing Dish Network for more HD channels. I got a reply.

Thank you for your email. The HD programming has been moved to the 110
satellite. For the foreseeable future, customers will NOT need a new Super
Dish antenna installation in order to get their HD channels and prospective
HD channels to be launched in 2004 will also only require Dish 500. We are
in negotiations with many HD channels including Starz and Bravo and other HD
channels in an effort to provide these to our customers. We are hopeful
that several additional HD channels will be launched in the first few months
of 2004 and are also working on technology that will allow us to launch even
more HD.

Wow new technology!
(We are
in negotiations with many HD channels including Starz and Bravo and other HD }

We have heard that line many times before. :rolleyes:
Lets hope they really mean it!!
Jeffdbs said:
I been e-mailing Dish Network for more HD channels. I got a reply.

Thank you for your email. The HD programming has been moved to the 110
satellite. For the foreseeable future, customers will NOT need a new Super
Dish antenna installation in order to get their HD channels and prospective
HD channels to be launched in 2004 will also only require Dish 500. We are
in negotiations with many HD channels including Starz and Bravo and other HD
channels in an effort to provide these to our customers. We are hopeful
that several additional HD channels will be launched in the first few months
of 2004 and are also working on technology that will allow us to launch even
more HD.

Wow new technology!

Where's that Fish Hook smilie? :D
How can this be? Surely the person that responded to your email will be punished with much weeping and gnashing of teeth. After all, on the last Charlie Chat the great Charlie himself stated that there was no additional HD content available that could be added to Dish programming.
"Added in 2004" could be December 2004 or slip into 2006 as far as Dish's track record goes.

This letter says nothing.
I think this letter speaks volumes, DISH isn't wasting time on personal replies. Dish also isn't promising anything, they have been in negotiations with SD programmers for years and still don't have the service. I doubt any voices were heard a trained chimpanzie can send out form letters.

Note at the bottom of the page:

"More High Definition than you can handle"

Shouldn't it read

"More High Definition is available than our service can handle"?
I want to know what in the helll that info from the first post warrents a thread title of "More HD channels soon on Dish Network"?
It depends on your definition (or opinion) of soon is. Dish is only adding channels that they have to in order to gain new subscribers (more locals, its all about locals) or what a lot of the providers have (such as DirecTv or cable) along with the ratings and popularity of the channel.
BCH said:
How can this be? Surely the person that responded to your email will be punished with much weeping and gnashing of teeth. After all, on the last Charlie Chat the great Charlie himself stated that there was no additional HD content available that could be added to Dish programming.
I need to rewind the tape of the Charlie Chat for an exact quote, and right now (7:36am ET) my VCR is in use recording the capture of Saddam. :twisted:

EDIT: Here's the clip, courtesy of Scott ...
"If we can find a new HDTV channel to add that has .. you know .. there really .. isn't a lot out there. We've looked at a lot of the services up there, we don't see .. there anything that's .. compelling enough to watch .. today .. we think we have. If you .. know of an HDTV channel that you think you would like us to carry, again, by all means .. you know .. contact us. And, I think we are aware of everything we know that's out there.
There are going to be new channels coming up next year. I don't think any are in the next three months. But I think by .. by .. certainly by .. more toward the summertime, we think there are going to be additional HD .. HDTV channels.
But we've got a .. pretty good list of them today, and .. and uh .. they are a lot of fun to watch and it is a great viewing experience. So you can see all the ones we do have. And if you .. somebody becomes aware of one that you think we should have we'll take a look at it."

So StarzHD and BravoHD are not compelling. :D

I don't understand any problem with clearance for StarzHD ... it would make sense for that network to allow that to be rebroadcast with the rest of the Starz channels. BravoHD would probably be a different kind of negotiation, but Bravo would probobly love to have the HD eyeballs.

In both cases E* is not expecting to make any money off of the additions. People are not refusing to buy the $9.99 HD pack because it doesn't include BravoHD, and StarzHD will most likely be non-revenue (included with Starz Pack like HBO-HD and ShowtimeHD are included with their packs.)

But I suspect they will be on 110º TP 15 within three months, despite Charlie's lack of knowledge.


:hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer:

:dance: CAPTURED! :dance:
EDIT: Here's the clip, courtesy of Scott ...
"If we can find a new HDTV channel to add that has .. you know .. there really .. isn't a lot out there. We've looked at a lot of the services up there, we don't see .. there anything that's .. compelling enough to watch .. today .. we think we have. If you .. know of an HDTV channel that you think you would like us to carry, again, by all means .. you know .. contact us. And, I think we are aware of everything we know that's out there.
There are going to be new channels coming up next year. I don't think any are in the next three months. But I think by .. by .. certainly by .. more toward the summertime, we think there are going to be additional HD .. HDTV channels.
But we've got a .. pretty good list of them today, and .. and uh .. they are a lot of fun to watch and it is a great viewing experience. So you can see all the ones we do have. And if you .. somebody becomes aware of one that you think we should have we'll take a look at it."

I don't understand what the freak you guys are always bitching about. If the above quote is the one that is causing the collective freak out it is clear that all Chuck meant was that there isn't any HD content just sitting around available out there that they could add that they weren't already trying to get. I suspect you guys, the ones that are always whining, are the same guys manning the Peter Jackson destroyed the spirit of the LOTR chat rooms i.e. you are nerds who have never had to manage anything more complicated than a Babylon 5 fan club.
Jake said:
I don't understand what the freak you guys are always b----ing about. If the above quote is the one that is causing the collective freak out it is clear that all Chuck meant was that there isn't any HD content just sitting around available out there ...
Perhaps you failed to read it.

Charlie said we don't see .. there anything that's .. compelling enough to watch .. today.

He isn't saying that it isn't available and ready to air. He's saying that it isn't compelling enough to put on Dish. Obviously E* HD subscribers and potential HD subscribers know that there are other compelling channels out there, and they are already available to be added.

I wouldnt pay anything since I dont have an HD television yet, along with most of the other Dish subscribers. If I did though I would expect to only have to pay a fee to access the subscribed channels I have now in HD. If they are new channels that do not show the same content as the SD channels then I would pay extra for a nice package, perhaps $10-$25 depending on the content and number of channels it provides.
New HD

I realise I might be missing something here but I will try this again. It is and was a known fact that Chucky was in negotiations with StarzHD and Bravo HD and whatever, therefore when said Chuckster states that there are no compelling channels available for viewing it does not require a huge leap to understand that he means that there are no other channels beyond the ones that are already being pursued. Look I know that the Chuckster is an arrogant SOB but there is no need to bend over backwards looking for reasons to be pissed off at D*.
Hope that clears things up
Re: New HD

Jake said:
I realise I might be missing something here but I will try this again. It is and was a known fact that Chucky was in negotiations with StarzHD and Bravo HD and whatever, therefore when said Chuckster states that there are no compelling channels available for viewing it does not require a huge leap to understand that he means that there are no other channels beyond the ones that are already being pursued.
Then the CEO Charlie should have been intelegent enough to say so. He did not say "available" in any way, shape, or form. He said:"We've looked at a lot of the services up there, we don't see there anything that's compelling enough to watch today."

Charlie said it isn't compelling ... he didn't say "we are in negotiations with a couple of HD providers" he said the content they knew about wasn't compelling. For ALL the times they have discussed the addition of channels, they openly state "we are in negotiations". That line rolls off Charlie's lips so easily that it would not be hard to believe he has said "we are in negotiations" for a channel he had never heard of.

But not this time. No "we are in negotiations". A clear "we don't find the services compelling". And THAT is what puts the bee in people's bonnet. ALL he had to say was "we are in negotiations" and he would have bought himself a few more months. But he failed and called the available content "not compelling".

there is no need to bend over backwards looking for reasons to be pissed off at D*.
Charlie is the CEO of E*. D* is some other company. HTH HAND

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