More new games added!

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Scott Greczkowski

Welcome HOME!
Original poster
Staff member
Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
Today I added 2 new games.

One is Flash Poker, this is one of the best Online Poker Games I have played.

The other one is Crazy Pong, which is a game where you must see how man times you can hit the ball with your ping pong paddle.

Both are good fun!

More stuff coming SOON!!!!
Scott Greczkowski said:
Today I added 2 new games.

One is Flash Poker, this is one of the best Online Poker Games I have played.

The other one is Crazy Pong, which is a game where you must see how man times you can hit the ball with your ping pong paddle.

Both are good fun!

More stuff coming SOON!!!!

Hey, mars rover is broken, I've set a new record 4 times, and each time when I try to add my comment, I get "jcrash you are not allowed to access this page" upon hitting the submit button next to the comment line. And, of course, my score never shows
Yeah, and when doubling on poker, make sure you don't jump the gun and submit your score until you are off the double down screen. I had 1600, and was all excited, and clicked submit, but then realized since I didn't exit out of the double down screen, my score did not take. That really stunk!

It looks like I need to figure out how to extend the cookie timeout in the arcade. :) There is a security system built into the arcade, so if someone tried submitting a score and their cookie is really old it will reject it.

How long were you playing?

Marko, That happened to me once. You need to submit your score from the main screen. The double or nothing screen does not seem to keep track of your score. I am not sure anything can be done about that but I will email the folks who made the game for VB.
Just added a couple of more games. :)

Pingu Slap (Revenge of Penguin Bashing!) In this one try to throw a snowball at the penguin flying through the air and try to get a bullseye!

Monkey Lander is a cute game, where you need to get all the item and try to land on the landing stip (harder then it sounds!)

More games coming soon from SatelliteGuys!
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