
A key point in that thread is Note 4:

On the Nov 2005 Charlie Chat, Dish said their MPEG-4 encoders were not performing as efficiently as they had hoped. These channels are actually encoded as MPEG-2 but with a flag set to make them visible only to an MPEG-4 receiver.

(Nov 2005? Is that date accurate?)

Are all the HD channels still MPEG2 mascarading as MPEG-4?
I checked BFG's chart, and it just says MPEG-4 are in blue, basically.
I'm having trouble finding current info on the state of how MPEG-4 is being implemented.

From what I could tell, local HD channels (as delivered via satellite, not referring to OTA here) are true/complete MPEG-4, but the rest are still MPEG-2 with MPEG-4 headers.
Is this correct and current?
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for sure :) there is last week report:
--- tpn2:TID=102, 61.5W 12.239 GHz LHCP 21500 2/3 8PSK  ---
 9426, 4386,    0,    0, 4387, NFLHD           H.264      HD 14.02 Mbps 1440 x 1088i	
 9435, 4130,    0,    0, 4131, STZHD           H.264      HD  8.60 Mbps 1440 x 1088i	
 9461, 4642,    0,    0, 4643, HGHD            H.264      HD 13.27 Mbps 1440 x 1088i
jdr01930 said:
(Nov 2005? Is that date accurate?)
Yes - see and the reaction from the December Charlie Chat.
... the rest are still MPEG-2 with MPEG-4 headers.
Is this correct and current?
No. The EKB page is a little outdated (gotta fix HGHD, 287, and add AK/HI channels), but the MPEG-4 column answers your question. No check = MPEG-2, check = true MPEG-4, check with a footnote is MPEG-2 viewable only by MPEG-4 receivers.
Yes, they could "change the header" or whatever and the channels would be viewable on older equipment. But I'm sure they won't do that, because they want to increase the incentives for people to move on to new MPEG-4 capable equipment. Dish needs to get rid of the old receivers so they can move more programming to MPEG-4 and conserve bandwidth.

Don't forget, last I heard, Dish is still planning on moving all HD to MPEG-4 next year (first half?).
Then they select wrong method to do that ! Fooling receivers ie customers, instead of making real compression. What's wrong in those ppl - twisted minds against hardware and software.

PS. And again - they don't changing "headers", they IMPLEMENT in receiver's software ESPECIALLY (!) method of filtering off channels based on type of receivers. Treat the method as discimination by color.
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No one has said anything about the PQ of HGTV HD which last week was switched from MPEG2 to REAL MPEG4.

I am interested in hearing if people are seeing a difference, from where I sit it looks good, I wonder if its one of the new MPEG4 encoders.
No one has said anything about the PQ of HGTV HD which last week was switched from MPEG2 to REAL MPEG4.

I am interested in hearing if people are seeing a difference, from where I sit it looks good, I wonder if its one of the new MPEG4 encoders.

Scott what new mpeg 4 encoders are you referring to ? Something change this week over last few months?
It seems to have a little less resolution, seems less bandwidth also- some macroblocking. Color and contrast seem the same. It's about the same difference as between HD LILs and OTA HD locals. However, I'm sure they can make it better and will as they further work on their MPG4. The HD LILs in my area have been steadily improving.
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