Multi-switch technical details


New Member
Original poster
Jan 6, 2004
I'm looking for a detailed technical explanation of how Dish Network receivers control their multiswitches to select between multiple satellites. I'm familiar with various 22KHz tone methods and DiSEqC standards used by DirecTV and others, but I can't seem to find any good detailed technical info for Dish Network systems switches. I've read that the two systems are incompatible.

How does Dish control their switches (Legacy & non-Legacy systems) to select a specific satellite in a muli-satellite system?

Some information found

In doing some more searching on the internet, I did come across this very informative link that at least explains the signalling technique that is used by Dish Network to control the switches.

Does anyone know of any "official standard" regarding the control of Dish Network switches? How about any additions or corrections to the info in the linked article?

Thanks again -


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