I have a three-satellite legacy system (110/119 and 148 with a SW21 and a 2700 receiver) that works just fine for me but I want to add two more receivers. Now please don't go off on me here - I know this is really old stuff but it works fine with the RG 59 cable I have running all over the house (yes, it's a total disaster by modern standards but really, it works and I want to keep it). I just bought a 311 on ebay and finally got it to recognize my dish/switch configuration. Man! Now I feel like I've at least made it into the 20th century. Moving along - well now I have two receivers so I went shopping at my local surplus store and bought a Channel Master 6328IFD multiswitch ($19.00) a 6228IFD ($5.00 - I couldn't resist at $5.00) and some Holland DPD2s thinking that one of those switches and the Hollands would replace my SW21 and allow me to diplex in my DTV roof-top antenna. Apparently, I was wrong about that. All I can get through either of the Channel Masters is 148 (odd and even) and 119 (even). Now I feel all dressed up with nowhere to go. Is there a multiswitch out there that will replace my SW21 in this three-satellite configuration, allow me to diplex in the roof-top antenna and feed two or more receivers?
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