Music on Dish Home Interactive


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Sep 8, 2003
Lexington, KY
I was visiting a friend last night who has a Dish 301 or 322 receiver and just subscribes to the Top 50. So that means he has no music only channels except for the holiday channel. So I was surprised to find out that he uses the Dish Home Interactive channel to get music (mostly oldies) and it also goes into a Dish logo screen saver after a period of time.

I own a 508 and subscribe to the Top 150. I was wanting to know why I don't get music when I go into Dish Home Interactive and why it doesn't have a screen saver?

Its going to be good year for HDTV Fans!

Bought 322 on Ebay, need Dish Pro Plus Diplexer

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