My hard drive died!!!!


Supporting Founder
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Supporting Founder
Sep 9, 2003
Thursday when I awoke, I had the saying that my hard drive has failed.
All I got were a Blank screen with the writing of disk Failure.
I contacted Dish and they are getting a new 721 out to me.
I unplugged it, and went to work, came back in later that evening and plugged it back up, and low and behold, the 721 were reinstalling all of it software, Just like you would do on a computer that has windows. About 30 to 40 minutes later,
my 721 were up and running again. I lost all of my recordings, but those were some that I would have erased anyway. Has anyone had this to happen to them?
This were my first disk failure since I had the 721.
I doubled Checked it today....Friday...and all is well.
I am still waiting on my replacement.
I had a 501 that did that worked for months after that with no more HD problems. I sold it about a month ago so I don't worry about it now.
I have had two 721s with their hard drives fail. Both times I did power cord reboots and the hard drive reformated and still works to this day. The last one failed after about a month of use and it was brand new. The first one failed after a year and a half of service . They both work fine now.
I have noticed a bit more reports of hard drive failures lately. I wonder if it is the same thing causing problems for many people such as software or something.

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