My Viacom Hate Site

Viacom caved before your web domain name has propagated. I guess Viacom bigshots couldn't stand their stock beginning to tumble in this Mexican standoff. Charlie agreed to carry the Nicktoons and Viacom dropped the extortion demands. It's over already.
Thank you Viacom stock holders for your support of Dish Network!
I really love it...

But caution you on trademark & copyright infringements. Viacom's goons might be quick to hand you a lawsuit. My suggestion get rid of the spongebob toon or alter his appearance dramatically.
rtt2 said:
I really love it...

But caution you on trademark & copyright infringements. Viacom's goons might be quick to hand you a lawsuit. My suggestion get rid of the spongebob toon or alter his appearance dramatically.

But its his evil twin, SpongeROB!

Novice wiring question

Early Contract Termination

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